Systems Thinking: Demand by Andy Lipok

Most of us believe we know the problems we have within ourselves, at home, with our football teams and of course at work. But all too often the problems we identify are not the root cause and the actions (if we take them at all) do not lead to sustainable improvement.

Most people, when they want to make a change, tend to start at the wrong place. They start to change things without actually knowing what’s wrong. It’s a bit like a doctor treating you without knowing the real problem – a painful and expensive business, as my knee will testify. Read more…

Podcast: Dr Tim Willis talks about How to Start Up A Tech Business

I founded the business in 2008 at the end of my PhD when I got some funding. We’ve had the app out on the Android store since August 2011 and have had over 15,000 downloads. We’re hoping this will increase rapidly once we start doing some marketing soon.  Linguistics & Phonetics has been studied for millennia – according to Wikipedia (!) modern studies began to develop in the 18th Century and reached something of a golden age the century after. Read more…

How To Control Cookies Policy

The use of cookies in the Ragged project has been a subject of much discussion, particularly as new digital eticates and laws to reflect these are emerging. To respond to a necessary transparency, it requires both choice and information.  For this reason, here all the analytic and functional protocols are explained and also the information to control your internet information on a day to day basis is provided.

Golden Rule:

If you dont like it, block it !

Take back control of your computer

Read more…

Children’s University: Learning Beyond the Classroom by Mary Brittain

How do children learn? How are they motivated and inspired? How can we stimulate their curiosity, fire their imaginations, develop a desire to expand their knowledge and understanding of their environment?

Children’s University is a very simple concept: to recognise and celebrate learning that happens beyond the formal school curriculum. It is based on a number of fundamental principles: that the learning should be voluntary (self-initiated), owned by the child (self-directed), fun and interactive (self-sustained). Read more…