Podcast: Privacy And Freedom In The Internet Age by Steve McIndoe

I am a librarian at the University of Manchester Library with fifteen years’ experience of working as an information professional in the business, government and Higher Education sectors and a keen interest in the impact of digital technology on society and culture. I got more closely involved in this subject through a request to develop an assessed academic module on the impact of digital technology on society.

steve mcindoe

Although ‘the internet’ has been around in some form for forty years, it is really in the last decade that we have witnessed a transformation in the ways in which we communicate, work and socialise. Increased access and availability plus the explosion of social media has fundamentally transformed our use of the internet, but what are the wider implications for society?

This is a podcast of Alex Dunedin introducing the Manchester Ragged University before a quick word by Phil Johnson from Blackburn College, and then Steve McIndoe delivers his talk:

Steve Mcindoe Digital Society by Raggeduniversity on Mixcloud