Music: Houndog Fraser & Rock Hunter

 We are a blues harp and guitar duo who play a mix of our originals and good old standards , all good time , foot stomping , whisky drinking blues.

Houndog and Rock met back stage between sets when they were playing at the 2007 Burnley Blues Festival for the Groovecats and the Blues Devils respectively. 6 years passed before they met again at a gig in 2013. Read more…

Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Effects: Introduction by Doreen Soutar

Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Effects: Introduction and Literature Review by Doreen Soutar


Being able to predict the future purchasing intentions of consumers is a very important capability to any business, and attempts to understand the processes involved in purchasing decisions in consumers has developed and diversified over the last forty years. With the increase of globalisation, the country-of-origin (COO) effect is a line of enquiry which is highly relevant to businesses wishing to expand their range of operations. Read more…

The Plebs League in the NE of England 1908/1926 By Robert Turnbull B.A

The stated aim of the Ruskin rebels who included Noah Ablett of the South Wales Miners Federation and Ebby Edwards of the Northumberland Miners Association was to “Bring about a more satisfactory relationship between Ruskin and the wider Labour movement. Their motto was “Educate, agitate and organise”.

Their philosophy that of IWCE or Independent Working Class Education, or to put it another way an education that was perceived to be free from the pernicious influence of the bourgeoisie, and the leading educational institutions of the time. Read more…

12th Aug 2014: The Plebs League in the North East of England 1908/1926 by Robert Clive Turnbull

Plebs League

Come along to The Central Library  (George Washington Browne Conference Room which is one floor down from the front entrance) for 5pm to listen to Robert’s talk. There will be some food provided and an opportunity to talk…

Title of talk:

Left for the Rising Sun. Right for Swan Hunter. The Plebs League in the North East of England 1908/1926

Robert Clive Turnbull

Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

  • The background to Swords Shall Not Rust, my initial interest in the Plebs League via Ruskin
  • A brief history of the autodidact tradition in the NE the Mechanics Institutes, Joe Cowan etc. and an overview of Tyneside at the beginning of the 20c, its industrial base and political allegiances
  • The beginnings of the North East Labour College Movement, and their struggle for recognition 1908/1916, main personalities etc. Ebby Edwards, Will Lawther, George Harvey, Outreach classes in the Northumberland and Durham coalfield, educational philosophy of IWCE.
  • The High Water Mark of the IWCE Movement in the NE 1918/1926. Growth of classes, main tutors, and a revolutionary moment passed. Tommy Jackson Starr etc., Black Friday 1921 and the beginnings of decline,  The General Strike and the winding up of the Plebs League

Read more…

Tales From The Lives of A Poacher by Bob Redwater

The wee boy on the left hand side of the photo, with the baggy breeks, fierce expression and kirby grip in his hair, is me, young Bob Redwater. My Ma told me, “If you don’t want to get your haircut, then you’ll need to wear one of your sister’s hair grips to keep your hair out of your eyes or you’ll go blind”. “Okay” I said to my Ma, “I don’t care”.  I was a thrawn child, stubborn as a mule.

Introduction: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson

This is the introduction to Kenneth Wilson’s thesis “A Social and Environmental Philosophy”

Parts One and Two of this thesis explore the traditional themes of action (agency) and rationality (reason) in a somewhat non-traditional fashion. I have put these traditional themes to a non-traditional use because the overall aim of this thesis is to solve a problem which is quite recent in origin; namely, what I will refer to as the crisis of modernity. Specifically, the crisis of modernity resides in the real possibility that as a consequence of our actions in the world, the future of life on Earth may well have been brought into question. Read more…

Podcast: We Don’t Need No Educashun; The Brain As A Learning Machine by Prof Ray Miller

On Thursday June 6th Prof Ray Miller gave the talk ‘We Don’t Need No Educashun; The Brain As A Learning Machine’. This is the audio recording of the talk he gave…

In Psychological terms, Learning is: A process by which behaviors, skills and capabilities are acquired and/or modified though experience. Although it is related to concepts like Education, Schooling, Training and Life Experience, it actually begins even before birth and continues until the day we die. Read more…