Prospecting Document: Molybdenum Adjunct to Thiamine Therapy in Relation to Alcohol Use

This is a prospecting document examining what is known about thiamine (vitamin B1) in the light of a proposed adjunct therapy of molybdenum to improve its efficacy in alcohol use disorder.  Lots is understood about thiamine and the vital role it plays in metabolising ethanol and carbohydrates.  The document was drawn up to open discussion in the field of addiction and recovery exploring a multifactoral approach to optimise the effectiveness of a known and tested treatment.

Thiamine pyrophosphate
Thiamine pyrophosphate


The central premise is that the commonly encountered preservatives of the sulfite variety destroy the enzyme which metabolises alcohol (ethanol).  When encountered in alcoholic beverages sulfites inactivate thiamine based enzymes, destroy vitamin stocks and exhaust molybdenum based enzymes which play a role in aldehyde metabolism.


Thus if therapeutic benefit is to be gained from supplementation with thiamine then ideally sulfites should be completely removed from the diet and alcohol beverage intake.  As a measure to protect the thiamine from destruction the use of molybdenum is considered which functions both in the sulfite oxidase system and in the aldehyde oxidase system.


As such the whole document is composed of verbatim excerpts from established textbooks and authorities.  This type of document design is to reduce the critical entropy between working between community and professional.  As a library researcher who has specialised in biochemistry and biomedical research by creating the document from verbatim extracts it removes a level of questioning of the interpretation of primary source material and expedites a critical examination of the ideas.


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