Aggregate of Recommendations from Multiple Houses of Commons Racism Reviews
This article offers an aggregate of recommendations drawn from multiple Houses of Commons racism reviews which were highlighted by David Lammy MP. It follows an in depth examination of Britain’s involvement in a long history of racism which you can READ HERE. What follows is a brief introduction and a downloadable document which lists all the recommendations detailing which racism review each one came from.

Boris Johnson announced the creation of (yet) another commission to address inequality in the UK after the Black Lives Matter protest arrived at his doorstep. Politically there is an expression of “to long grass an issue” which is used in the sense of to delay a decision or course of action indefinitely”….
The response to this was it was a manoeuvre to long grass the issues by setting in motion a lengthy enquiry process which brings to mind the saying ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. David Lammy who is the Shadow secretary of state for justice and shadow lord chancellor gave an interview on the BBC saying Johnson’s article was “written on the “back of a fag packet yesterday to assuage the Black Lives Matter protest”.
Lammy emphasised that had there had already been numerous reviews and a backlog of recommendations from these reviews which had not been implemented. He said:
“In the Lammy review I made 35 recommendations – implement them. There are 110 recommendations in Elish Angiolini’s review of deaths in police custody – implement them. There are 30 recommendations in the Home Office [Lessons Learned] Wendy Williams review into the Windrush scandal – implement them. 26 recommendations were made in the Baroness McGregor report on workplace discrimination – implement them. It feels like we’re going around in circles. Yet again we seem to want figures and data but not action. The Prime Minister has buried his article behind the paywall in the Telegraph amid loads more stuff about Churchill. You’re the Prime Minister, do something!”
This section finishes with an aggregation of David Lammy’s suggestion of several parliamentary reports commissioned by the House of Commons which have highlighted recommendations the authors felt necessary if we are to reach towards an equitable democratic society in Britain. It strikes me as one of many constructive starting points for action to reach into the long grass and take ownership of the already identified tasks to hand.
The Lammy Rebuke
The following document and section is a series of recommendations which have been aggregated from multiple ‘race reviews’ carried out by the Houses of Commons after emerging scandals of racism in Britain. I created this document to assist those who want to at very least look at the parliamentary evidence and resultant recommendations of the UK on racism.

Original Document Hyperlinks
The Lammy Review: An independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the Criminal Justice System by David Lammy
Report of the Independent Review of Deaths and Serious Incidents in Police Custody
by Rt. Hon. Dame Elish Angiolini DBE QC
Windrush Lessons Learned Review
Independent review by Wendy Williams
Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review
by Baroness McGregor-Smith CBE