Poverty Online Course Module 1: Introduction to Betting on Famine by Prof Jean Ziegler

“The destruction, every year, of tens of millions of men, women, and children from hunger is the greatest scandal of our era. Every five seconds, a child under the age of ten dies of hunger – on a planet abounding in wealth and rich in natural resources. In its current state, the global agricultural system would in face, without any difficulty, be capable of feeding 12 billion people, or twice the world’s current population. Hunger is thus in no way inevitable. Every child who starves to death is murdered.” Read more…

Action Research: The Outcomes Star and Developing Novel Methodologies

What follows is the start of my action research project deconstructing of the Outcomes Star, a metric bureaucracy instated in various support-need junctures which the person receiving support has to fill in and go over with the person who is giving the support. This is one of various types of bureaucracy which people have to face (both citizen and worker).  Read more…

How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and Improve Wellbeing by Prof Kate Pickett & Prof Richard Wilkinson

Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson are Professors of Social Epidemiology.  Kate Pickett is Professor of Epidemiology at the University of York, and Richard Wilkinson is Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham after having retired in 2008. Together they wrote the international best seller book ‘The Spirit Level’. Read more…

Action Research: Outcomes and Measures Executive Summary and Recommendations

What follows is the executive summary and the recommendations which I make from my initial analysis of the bureaucratic burden which exists in the support-need juncture.  You can read the prologue ‘Action Research: The Situation I am In; The View From The Other Side’ by clicking HERE.  It gives an account of how this action research project came about and explains some of the motivations driving the project. Read more…

Class, Opportunity and the Lesser Minds Problem

This is an exploration of class, opportunity and how the Lesser Minds Problem of dehumanized perception affects relations in everyday life. What follows is an annotated and extended version of a paper which was accepted for publication in PRISM journal. PRISM is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that fosters innovative approaches to progressing critical thinking in all areas of teaching and learning. You can find the edition in which this paper is published by following THIS LINK.

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