Multimedia Learning suggested by Susan Brown

As part of the Ragged Library, Susan Brown – School of Education, University of Manchester suggested Mayer, R. (2009) Multimedia Learning: Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press…

National Government and Education in the European Context

Although European systems of education share common traditions whose origins can be found in the theories of man, society and knowledge formulated by Greek Roman and Jewish philosophers, education was not mentioned in the 1957 Treaty of Rome which created the European Economic Community (EEC). The necessity of free movement of workers made it necessary […] Read more...

Education Throughout Europe: A Cultural Context

Brian Holmes (1920-1993) joined the Institute of Education, University of London in 1953 where he was Professor of Comparative Education at the Institute, 1975-1985. This article is largely drawn from the work of Brian Holmes in National Government and Location in the European Context, Handbook of educational ideas and practices, 1989, ISBN: 0415020611; pp 382 […] Read more...

Literary Agents

  The following is an index of Literary agents to help people who want to get published. It is not exhaustive. It is out of date, but some of the literary agents may not be available. Tune in to the latest Writer’s Yearbook with your writing. It is a handy publication. Meanwhile speak your truth.many […] Read more...

Historical Document: Glasgow Ragged University

A group of people in Glasgow decided to put on Ragged University events with the help of people across cities to do things like graphic design, webdesign, developing the project documents, publicity, etc… Many events were organised and delivered by Carrie Westwater, David Hughes, David Newman, Heather Sinclair and others. Unfortunately there are no further […] Read more...