Ragged Schools: Growth and Expansion, 1850-1860 by D. H. webster

By 1850, the Ragged School Union had evolved the principles that were to guide it for the next forty years. It had established a successful central organization; it attracted into its service men of the caliber of William Locke, S.R. Stary, and Joseph Gent, who gave unstintingly to the work in hand; it had obtained the services of Lord Ashley, whose active interest promoted the cause of the Union among the wealthy; it had defined its role in relation to a national system of schools. Somewhat optimistically, it observed: Read more…

Emancipation, Recognition, Democracy: A Talk on Occupy-Style Politics by Richard Gunn

Author’s note: What follows is a revised version of a talk given to the Morningside Justice and Peace Group (morningsidejandpgroup.org), Edinburgh, on 14 October 2015. The revised version comments on issues which, for reasons of time, my talk does not address. A further note regarding my “revised version” is in order: evidently, a talk does not have footnotes. But -whilst retaining a “spoken” format – I add (some) footnotes here. Read more…

War Crimes and Genocide in Gaza: Memorial and Public Statement by Scholars

The terrible and inhumane attack initiated by Hamas has triggered a massive and disproportionate response by Israeli armed forces on the peoples of Gaza.  As a result what has emerged is a situation where the Palestinian civilian peoples are being collectively punished.  This article highlights the memorial to these deaths held at the University of Edinburgh along with some of the geopolitical and international law perspectives on the terrible and inhumane atrocities taking place. Read more…