Bilingualism Matters team
Come along to The Counting House at 7pm to listen to Madeleine’s talk. Share a crust of bread, and hear the reflections she has to share…
Title of talk:
One brain, two languages: bringing up a bilingual child
Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:
What worries do people have about bringing up a bilingual child?
What are these concerns based on?
What does research tell us about whether or not these concerns are justified?
On 7th February 2013 Prof Ray Miller and Prof Antonella Sorace will be doing a talk at the Counting House in Edinburgh
Name of speaker and subject:
Antonella Sorace – Early and late bilingualism
Details of talk:
How do children learn two languages?
Any child can learn more than one language without any effort if these languages are heard frequently in natural situations. Children don’t need language lessons: they spontaneously understand how language works and the quickly learn to use the right language depending on who they talk to. Regular use of two languages makes children’s brain more flexible, improves their attention, and gives them a range of benefits that last a lifetime. Read more…
I was reading about the demise of the old Cromarty dialect in Scotland recently. Retired engineer Bobby Hogg died at age 92 taking with him the traditional living language of the north-east tip of the Black Isle, just north of Inverness. With this man passing our last opportunity to understand many things has also gone.
David Ross of the Herald in Scotland wrote ‘He could still close his eyes, see the boats heading out to sea and hear the unique speech pattern that set his people apart.’ What does this mean in broader terms ? What significance does a language or dialect hold ? Read more…
Professor Antonella Sorace talks about her life long research into the importance of bilingualism to the brain. Her talk, 2 languages in 1 brain illustrates some of the messages she is trying to get out and breaks down some of the myths she wants to discourage. It really is good for you, learn some new language today and finding out about Bilingualism Matters