Podcast: Dr Tim Willis talks about How to Start Up A Tech Business

I founded the business in 2008 at the end of my PhD when I got some funding. We’ve had the app out on the Android store since August 2011 and have had over 15,000 downloads. We’re hoping this will increase rapidly once we start doing some marketing soon.  Linguistics & Phonetics has been studied for millennia – according to Wikipedia (!) modern studies began to develop in the 18th Century and reached something of a golden age the century after. Read more…

Independent Business: An Interview With Ali Gower Owner Of The Chocolate Tree

This is an interview with Ali Gower exploring various aspects of The Chocolate Tree as a sustainable, ethical business in the 21st century:

The two owners, Alastair Gower & Friederike Matthis, met whilst performing as “red men” in the Beltane festival of Edinburgh. The positive reactions we received at the festivals highly motivated us, and we progressed The Chocolate Tree to become our full time passion and business. Read more…

14th Sept 2011: Sales Makes the world go round. Errr doesn't it? by Tim Dew

tim dew

Name of speaker and subject:

Tim Dew – Managing Director, Mount Parnassus Ltd.
Advising public and private organisations on sustainable growth strategies.

Title of talk:

Sales Makes the world go round. Errr doesn’t it?

Bullet points of what you would like to cover:

  • Understanding the relationship between communication and sales.
  • Shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone – we all are secret salespeople.
  • IOUs aka money and currency fluctuation.
  • Life skills to get more out of everything you do

Read more…

3rd August 2011: Maggie Kang Doing Business between UK and China

Red luck

Name of speaker and subject:

Maggie Kang
Doing Business between UK and China

Bullet points of what you would like to cover:

I) What is happening now?
II) What will happen over the next five years?
III) Collaborate for growth

Suggested you-tube links, websites and / or texts where
further information may be found:

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Business and Community

We live in interesting times. When attending a conference on how businesses can become involved in their communities, I was impressed at the interest that the business community has in ‘putting something back in’.
So many questions are being asked as the economy goes through all of it’s changes and adjustments. For many it is a time when belts are tightened and prospects seem uncertain. We are being asked these questions by our circumstances and being pressed to come up with solutions. Read more…