Emancipation, Recognition, Democracy: A Talk on Occupy-Style Politics by Richard Gunn

Author’s note: What follows is a revised version of a talk given to the Morningside Justice and Peace Group (morningsidejandpgroup.org), Edinburgh, on 14 October 2015. The revised version comments on issues which, for reasons of time, my talk does not address. A further note regarding my “revised version” is in order: evidently, a talk does not have footnotes. But -whilst retaining a “spoken” format – I add (some) footnotes here. Read more…

The Excluded Voices of FE Teachers and Communities: The Principal – Power and Politics in Further Education by Rob Peutrell

Rob Peutrell contributed a chapter to the book ‘The Principal – Power and Professionalism in Further Education’, a collection edited by by Maire Daley,‎ Prof Kevin Orr,‎ and Joel Petrie.  The book brings people from various backgrounds and view points in contributions which interrogate power and how is it expressed in the Further Education sector today.

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10th Apr 2014: Why Don't People Vote? By Helena Catt


Come along to The Counting House at 7pm for a talk by Helena. Share a crust of bread, and discover what she knows about voting habits…


Title of talk:

Why don’t people vote?

Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

  • Voting turnout is in decline across all western democracies.
  • Who is not voting?
  • What do we know about the reasons for this decline?
  • What can election administrators, educators and voters do to encourage greater participation in elections?

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