The Nucleus: Do It Yourself ‘Ragged University’-like Events

A lot of people have asked over time about ‘doing Ragged University’, and this is a set of notes for people who want to do their own thing in their own location independently. The essence of the project has been about identifying methods, strategies and means which anyone can do. Ragged University is not an organisation, it is something people do themselves and share with others – it is not something which is delivered onto others. It is a social practice which anyone can do in their locale to generate a learning process in someones life. Read more…

Ragged University Events: Opening the doors again…

Well, it has been a long past few years hasn’t it.  Alex Dunedin here. This is the first email I have sent to the Ragged Uni followers for a long long time and speaking for myself Ragged University events have been hugely missed.  I hope that this finds everyone safe and sound, and in good health. This email is a bit of a catch up, a bit of an introduction, and a bit of an explanation of the philosophy going on behind the Ragged University ahead of events starting up again.

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How To Do Ragged University Events by Carrie Newman

Previously Ragged University events were run in Glasgow by a team of dedicated people. The primary coordinator was Carrie Newman who was introduced to the project by business partner and friend David Hughes. They, along with David Newman and Heather Sinclair took to the idea like ducks to water using their knowledge of theatre and cultural events to produce several seasons of talks (approximately seventy five events) which gripped the local imaginations. Read more…

The Rough Etiquette of Ragged University

Ragged University is an open community of individuals who are interested in sharing and learning. The events are put on by coordinators who are there to facilitate.  Coordinators are not gatekeepers or overseers of ‘quality control, they are not authorities in the public spaces which the Ragged University events occur.  They are there to enable those who want to share their knowledge and passion and to work to try and make sure that everyone in the room, space or event is comfortable and happy. Read more…