14th Dec 2010: Greek Myth by Heather Rae and Ayurveda by Diana Kras

The Wise Monkey

On Tuesday, the 14th December, 2010 the following talks were put on in The Wise Monkey (508 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G12 HDL) between 8:00pm until 10:00pm…

“Mythology of Greek Monsters” with Heather Rae

Greek Mythology has been around for a very long time and monsters feature in the corpus of both literiture and art.  I find Monsters interesting for their bodies, behaviour, and the way they can reflect and invert cultural norms. They are even used to question concepts of monstrosity and heroisim. I am looking at these issues and others in my PhD on Classical Monsters.  I shall be talking about Medusa, Scylla, and Giants.
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