Rowland Urey talks about Psychiatry: Philosopher And Your Friend In Recovery

The grown up person is not a child., the grown up person is an ALIENATED human being, because we do not experience ourselves as the SUBJECT and ORIGINATOR of our own acts. We are FORCED to overcome our Situations for we cannot live as totally alienated humans and remain SANE.
For we have been EMOTIONALLY and SOCIALLY traumatized by our OBJECTIVE life activities reflected SUBJECTIVELY In our HUMAN CONDITION and PSYCHE. Mental Distress is nothing more than a manifestation in humans of a greater malaise brought about by Modern day living Alienation and Isolation. Read more…


The state of being objective is to correctly represent reality. The term “reality” however can lack clarity. Science is a methodological attempt to resolve truths from ambiguity.

Empirical evidence based upon observations and experimentation in the physical world is conducive to the verification of scientific judgments. Adherence to the rules of deduction and the process of inductive reasoning implements the validity and soundness of scientific arguments and conclusions. Read more…