The Monthlies; Project Naked by Hannah Mackay Tait

For five years, Project Naked has been running a blog ( sharing stories from women and non-binary people about their experiences with their bodies. We wanted to change the conversation around bodies and give voice to people’s diverse experiences of their bodies – not just to promote body positivity, but to listen and to encourage open expression of people’s true thoughts and feelings about the bodies they inhabit. Read more…

A Personal Account of Poverty in the United Kingdom: Entrenched Difficulty and Tenacious Myths

I live in Edinburgh, capital city of Scotland, and a place of inequalities.  Walking from the new town at the centre of the city, you can go in several directions to find sink estates built of concrete modules to a plan which had either forgotten to incorporate important social and economic infrastructure or deliberately omitted it viewing it as a cost. Read more…

Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: Research and Resources

The Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) Survey is the most comprehensive source of information on the extent and nature of deprivation in contemporary Britain. At the turn of the millennium, there were more people living in or on the margins of poverty than at any time in British history. According to the most rigorous survey of poverty and social exclusion ever undertaken in Britain, by the end of 1999 approximately 14 milion people in Britain, or 25% of the population, were objectively living in poverty.

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