12th June 2014: Enemies, Friends and Lovers; The Social Psychology of Relationships by Prof Ray Miller

Carl Jung

Come along to The Counting House at 7pm to listen to Derek’s talk. Share a crust of bread, and hear the reflections he has to share…


Name of speaker and subject:

Prof. Ray Miller, Psychologist

Title of talk:

What has Psychology ever done for us?
Part 5: Enemies, Friends and Lovers
The social psychology of relationships.

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

― C.G. Jung

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7th Nov 2013: To sleep, perchance to dream: 30 years in the land of Morpheus by Prof Ray Miller


Come along to The Counting House at 7pm for a talk by Ray. Enjoy meeting someone new and sharing a crust of bread. Click here for details

Name of speaker and subject:

Prof. Ray Miller, Psychologist

Title of talk:

What has Psychology ever done for us? (A story in three parts)
Part 4:    To sleep, perchance to dream: 30 years in the land of Morpheus
Why do we sleep? How much do we need? What happens in sleep? What are dreams?.

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6th June 2013: We don’t need no Educashun; The brain as a learning machine by Prof Ray Miller


On Thursday June 6th from 7 to 10pm in The Counting House in Edinburgh, please join us for an evening with Ray Miller who will be telling us about the brain as a learning machine

Name of speaker and subject:

Prof. Ray Miller, Psychologist

Title of talk:

What has Psychology ever done for us? (A story in three parts)
Part 3:    We don’t need no Educashun: The brain as a learning machine.
How learning develops, intelligence, critical thinking and the do’s and don’ts of study skills.

“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.”
― Albert Einstein

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4th April 2013: Barefoot in the Head; How the way we think, feel and behave produces mental and physical health by Prof Ray Miller


Name of speaker and subject:

Prof. Ray Miller, Psychologist

Title of talk:

What has Psychology ever done for us? (A story in three parts)
Part 2: Barefoot in the Head: How the way we think, feel and behave produces mental and physical health. Psychological therapies from the couch, through dogs and rats, to mindfulness and positive thinking.

Bullet points:

  • The distressing history of treating problems of mental health.
  • The growth of psychological models of mental well-being.
  • History and development of major psychological therapies.
  • The importance of mental well-being to physical and social health.
  • The growing demand for psychiatric and psychological treatments.
  • What is ‘normal’? Are we pathologising everyday distress?

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