Pay Multiples: Policies on the Relationship Between Top Pay and that of the Rest by Benjamin Irvine

Despite the requirement in the guidance notes for Local Authority Pay Policy Statements to clearly state what they think the relationship should be between the pay of chief officers and staff who are not chief officers, there is a lack of policies for assessing, justifying and achieving appropriate pay multiples.
Rather than creating independent policies to assess what fair and justifiable pay ratios might be and how to achieve them, they are almost unanimously justified as following from the ‘objective’ and uncontrollable processes which are used for setting pay and grading structures. A recurring justification in statements is that the pay multiple ‘results from the detailed implementation of the pay policies as set out earlier in this statement’. Read more…

Living Well: Practical Solidarity and Steady State

This Economics Report is shared by Judith Emanuel from Steady State Manchester and was written in November 2012.  In June 2012 members of what became Steady State Manchester were involved in discussions with Manchester City Council about the idea of a Steady State Economy.

While these discussions were open and amicable, we decided that more work was needed to articulate the arguments for Steady State in ways that were appropriate and practical for Manchester. We also wanted to broaden the discussion to include other stake-holders from business (both private and co-operatively run), civil society and academia. Read more…

19th Feb 2013: Wangari Maathai; some lessons for a Steady State Manchester by Judith Emanuel

Judith Emanuel
Judith Emanuel

On the 19th February 2013  Judith Emanuel will be leading a discussion at the Castle Hotel on Oldham Street in Manchester

Name of speaker and subject:

Judith Emanuel
Wangari Maathai, was the first environmentalist and African woman to get a Nobel Peace Prize and founder of the Kenyan Green Belt Movement.  The Green Belt Movement works at grassroots, national, and international levels to promote:

  • environmental conservation
  • build climate resilience
  • empower communities, especially women and girls
  • and foster democratic space and sustainable livelihoods.

Title of talk:

Wangari Maathai – some lessons from the Global South for a Steady State Manchester
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