Podcast: 3D Printing; No-hype, Promise, Just Extraordinary Art and Design by Ann Marie Shillito

3D Printing is an incredible enabling technology that has expanded from industrial uses as a means to prototype to uses that already stretch the imagination. The new generation of personal 3D printers that have been adopted by techies have evolved into easy to use printers and have spread to new venues including schools and homes.

Ann Marie Shillito
Ann Marie Shillito

Who can guess where the innovators of today will take this new way of making, who can guess what new materials will be invented, developed and discovered, and who know all the different ways that we, the general public, will be able to access and use 3D printing in our daily lives? This will be an on-going and lively discussion.

Ann Marie Shillito is CEO of Anarkik3D Ltd, a software development company, though considers herself to be a designer maker. She trained as a contemporary jewellery designer with an interest in using non-traditional jewellery materials such as titanium which lends itself to being cut by laser.

Ann Marie started to learn to design digitally, using CAD which I found very unsatisfactory, especially when I moved from 2D profiling to 3D modelling for 3D printing. This podcast is about her voyage of discovery into using the new 3D printing technologies.





Information Resources:


Ann Marie Shillito

Website – http://www.anarkik3d.co.uk
Blog – http://anarkik3d.wordpress.com/,        http://annmarieshillito.wordpress.com/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Anarkik3D,      https://twitter.com/Anarkik3D
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AnnMarieShillito
Public Email – [email protected]
Any others…. http://www.slideshare.net/AnnMarieShillito/anarkik3-d-for-3d-printshow2013
Further Reading:

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Source: www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/251439/3D_printers_in_schools.pdf
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Source: www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/549046/Study-2.pdf