Site Index
Welcome to the Ragged University website; please help yourself to anything you like, and if you have the time, write something for others to discover…
Table of Contents
About Ragged University
- A Bitesize History of The Ragged University
- A Crash Course in Social Capital
- A Rose Is Ragged By Any Other Name…
- A Theory Of Culture As A Framework For The Ragged Project
- A Word From The Janitor
- Adapting to Marginal Spaces: Floating Classrooms
- An Exploration of Informal Education with Students at John Moores University
- Collaboration and Distinguishing the Selfish from Self Interest
- Collaboration Between Edinburgh Palette and Ragged University by Karl Graham
- Collaboration: University of Manchester and Ragged University By Steve McIndoe
- Common Sense: A Theory of Inherent Knowledge
- Conference: Rethinking Inequality in Historical Perspective
- Constructing Resilient Education: Social Practices Which Form Community
- Conversation on Education: John Salway and Alex Dunedin
- Creating and Organising a Ragged University Event
- Developing Social Capital; From Promises to Knowledge Exchange
- Development as Freedom: The Human Capabilities Approach
- Down The Ragged Road: A Story So Far…
- Economics: Special Exam by Donald Rutherford
- Edinburgh Fringe Live: Bad Habits are Alright Now
- Edinburgh Short Film Festival: Successful Format Piloted
- Education as Human Development
- Education History: A Brief History of Ragged Schools
- Education in the Negative Sense
- Education, Utopia, Necessity, and Existential Poverty
- Education: Power Differentials and Problems of Scale
- Educational History: The Democratic Intellect; Scotland’s Pedagogical Tradition
- Experiments in Education: The Possibility of the 19th Century Auditor Today
- Experiments in IT Delivery: The Floating Classroom
- Facilitating Rather Than Prescribing: The Outcome Of Measuring
- Floating Classrooms: A Model For Mobile Teaching
- Historical Document: Glasgow Ragged University
- How Hard it is to Make Policy
- How The Ragged Uni Idea Came About by Grant Crozier
- How To Do Ragged University Events by Carrie Newman
- Imagining Education: What is it all about Brian?
- Inclusive Education and the Dialogue of Learning
- Issues of Seeking Patronage: A Thought Experiment
- It’s About Individuals Not Groups
- Journal: Finding a Way to Participate
- Kintsugi: Learning To Love The Critical
- Learning Artifact (Prototype): Drew Whitworth The Book as a Technology
- Lifelong Learning that learns for Life! by John Salway
- Live Better, Help Often & Wonder More: Presentation for Sunday Assembly
- Local Economies and Neighbourhood Renewal
- Manchester Takes Ownership of Ragged University
- Official Ragged SCIO Now Officially Closed; On with the real work
- Participation Now and Open University
- Presentation on the Free Education Network for John Morrison
- Prospective View: Creating Ragged Universities
- Ragged Digital Vision: Historical Document
- Ragged University Collaboration with Edinburgh Fringe Live
- Ragged University Events Are Free Events
- Ragged University Events: Opening the doors again…
- Ragged University Graphic Design by Chris Behr
- Ragged University Has No Funding: Anyway, It Is Not About Money
- Ragged University Website Development Workshop Pilot by Mike Harkness
- Ragged University: ‘Something For Nothing’ by Don Ledingham
- Shoestring Initiative: Ragged University – The Means to Organise Education Beyond Money
- Studying the Press: Alex Dunedin Answers Questions and Analyses Article From Journalist Kashmira Gander
- The Beginnings of Ragged by Will Bentinck
- The Big Idea: Community Open Online Courses
- The Differences Arise In Group Psychology
- The Digital Aims of The Ragged University Project
- The Great Good Place: A Digest
- The Nucleus: Do It Yourself ‘Ragged University’-like Events
- The Principal; Power and Professionalism in FE: Measuring Up To The Mean – Beggars Belief
- The Rough Etiquette of Ragged University
- The Story of the New Ragged Website
- The Story So Far… Ragged University and Moving into the Future
- The Ways in Which We Do Things…
- Thinking About The Learning Affordances of Interpersonal Interaction
- Twas The Rant Before Christmas: Absent Friends and Being Absent as a Friend
- Welcome to the Ragged University By Adam Smyth
- What Values Ragged University Is About
- Where Information Goes In And Nothing Comes Out
- Where to Begin The Ragged University Story
- Why Is Everyone Not A Demographic ?
- Why Not To Chase Wealth And Status: A Community Project Perspective
- Winding up Ragged SCIO as a Charity: Miles and Miles to go Before I Sleep…
- Working Class Academics Conference: 14th – 15th July 2020
- Finding Appropriate Models For Teaching Digital Skills In The Community
- Giving Up The Smartphone and Gating Technology: Managing Information, Media and Technology
- Podcast: Real Time Document of One to One Teaching in Digital Literacies
- ‘From Sweden With Care’; Alternative Visions of Education by Isak Stoddard
- A Record of the Emergent: Researching the Relationship Between the Work and the Producer
- Action Science: Epistemology, Knowledge and It’s Contested Communities
- Adult Access to Learning Opportunities: A Digest
- Adult Basic Education: A Digest
- An Exploration of Informal Education with Students at John Moores University
- Appeal: Help us Develop a Model for Co-operative Higher Education
- Bec Sanderson talks on Good Values Education
- BERA Abstract Interrupted: Patient Knowledge – A Medical Taboo
- Biases Around How People’s Intellectual Contribution Is Valued; Prejudicial and Biased Reasoning as Illogical and Irrational
- Biases In Psychology Which Affect How People’s Intellectual Contribution Is Valued; Behavioural Reactions to Dissonance and Confirmation Bias
- Binaries, Young Carers and The Barriers to Accessing Higher Education
- Bristol Free University by David Saunders
- Challenging Consumerism: Education As Human Development
- Class, Opportunity and the Lesser Minds Problem
- Collider Lesson; How Would You Build Guerilla Education ?
- Common Sense: A Theory of Inherent Knowledge
- Community Open Online Courses: Create Your Own MOOC
- Constructing Resilient Education: Social Practices Which Form Community
- Consuming Education; BERA Panel on Challenges, Threats & Opportunities across the Post-compulsory Sectors
- Conversation on Education: John Salway and Alex Dunedin
- Critical Apprenticeships: The Wrights and the Wrongs of Passage
- Curriculum and Technological Change: A Digest
- Digital Literacy Skills; Lifelong Learning by Anonymous
- Do Open Educational Resources Increase Efficiency
- Dr Sharon Clancy: On Adult Education and the 1919 Report
- Educating For The Steady State Economy by Susan Brown
- Education and It’s Relationship With Change
- Education and the State: A Digest
- Education and Training the Workforce: A Digest
- Education As A Public Good: A Digest
- Education as Human Development
- Education as Pre-Political and The Living Curriculum
- Education Beyond School: A Digest
- Education in the Negative Sense
- Education Throughout Europe: A Cultural Context
- Education, Utopia, Necessity, and Existential Poverty
- Educational History: Andrew Bell 1753 to 1832
- Educational History: Grant Wood; Revolt Against the City 1891 to 1942
- Educational History: Thomas Guthrie and the Ragged Schools
- Educational Theory and it’s Relation to Practice: A Digest
- Educational Transition and Reform: A Digest
- Experiments in Education: The Possibility of the 19th Century Auditor Today
- Face Value: Individuals Who Inspired People To Learn
- Ghosted: Confessions of a Model Essay Writer by Tiny Splinter
- Helping With Mum: Barriers to Accessing Higher Education
- Higher Education Institutions and Experience With Engagement
- How Can Education Help To Shape A Steady State Culture? by Susan Brown
- Human Beings as Polymathic and Specialisation: Solve et Coagula
- Impoverishment, Downsourcing and Buying Your Way Out
- Inclusive Education and the Dialogue of Learning
- Informing Informal Education and Dancing Like Nobody Is Watching
- Intercultural Education: A digest
- Interview With An Educator: Colin Kirkwood
- Interview With An Educator: Colin MacLean
- Interview With An Educator: Sugata Mitra
- Introducing the Free University Network by Joel Lazarus
- Introduction: How Grimm is Further Education? by Joel Petrie
- Invisible Colleges: Owning Our Common Intellectual Heritage
- Is Alternative Education The Route To Utopia? Alex Dunedin Responds to Hina Suleman’s Questions
- Is Education Becoming Infected With Money ?
- John Morrison: Pop Up Lesson in Summerhall
- Journal: Finding a Way to Participate
- Knowledge, Opportunities and False Promises
- Learning Artifact (Fine Edit): The Book as a Technology by Drew Whitworth
- Learning Artifact (Prototype): Drew Whitworth The Book as a Technology
- Learning How to Survive Outcomes and Measurements Culture
- Lifelong Learning that learns for Life! by John Salway
- Manchester Environmental Education Network
- Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology by John Morrison
- Metissage: A Conversation on Knowledge, Social Movements and Really Big Change
- National Government and Education in the European Context
- Open Access to Research Publications: Accessing Research Online by Emily Nunn
- Perspective on Recurring Controversies In Education
- Podcast: Drew Whitworth Introduces Session on Information Inequalities
- Podcast: Joan Mowat Talks About Integrating Values in Education
- Podcast: Keith Smyth talks about Digital Literacies
- Podcast: Participation, Motivation and Adult Learning by Dr Ellen Boeren
- Podcast: Professor Keith Smyth’s Inaugural Lecture; ‘It’s Third Space, Jim, but not as we know it’
- Presentation on the Free Education Network for John Morrison
- Priorities in Post School Education: Who Benefits and Who Pays?
- Profession by Isaac Asimov
- Public Places Where We Meet And Share Are Third Places
- Ragged University As An Agnostic, Open, Space For Discussion
- Schooling and Society: Interrelated Aspects
- Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience
- Shoestring Initiative: Ragged University – The Means to Organise Education Beyond Money
- Situated: Rhetorical Techne, Local Knowledge and Challenges
- Social Capital and Education: A Digest
- Social Justice Issues and the Valuation of People as Knowledgeable
- Sociological Barriers to Community Engagement with Higher Education Institutions
- Student as Consumer: A Sign of a Global Pathology
- Student Support Services On Zero Hours Contracts
- Studying the Press: Alex Dunedin Answers Questions and Analyses Article From Journalist Kashmira Gander
- Sustainability and Education by Bob Cranwell
- Sustainability in the Curriculum: University of Manchester
- Tadpoles, Frogs and Dragons; The Educational Philosophy of David Seagrave
- The 2014 Immigration Act in British Universities by Douglas Cairns
- The Common Instruments of Knowledge
- The Cooperative Development of Julian Edge: A Digest, Notes and Reflections by Alex Dunedin
- The Corporate Takeover of Education
- The Dark or Ethical Prince; There Is Always A Choice by Lynne Sedgmore
- The Excluded Voices of FE Teachers and Communities: The Principal – Power and Politics in Further Education by Rob Peutrell
- The Free University of Nottingham: It Would Be F.U.N. by Mike Scott
- The Future of Education: My Perspective Given to Students
- The History of Adult Learning Project in Edinburgh: A Freirean Approach
- The Marketisation of Higher Education
- The Medium is the Means: The Industrial Educational Complex
- The More, The Merrier: Facts And Beliefs About The Bilingual Mind by Antonella Sorace
- The Multiple Functions of Education: A Digest
- The Peer Led Teaching of the Ragged Schools
- The Permanent Revolution of Education by Dave Hall
- The Porous University Symposium; What We Say and What We Do by Gina Wall
- The Porous University Symposium: “Der Fachidiot”; The Paratechnic in the Monotechnic by Neil Mullholland
- The Porous University Symposium: Inquiry as openness; Re-imagining the university, its commitments and responsibilities by Emanuele Bardone and Maarja Taaler
- The Porous University Symposium: The University Beyond Its Walls by Frank Rennie
- The Porous University, Socialisation and Reflections
- The Porous University: Opening up the University; Being and becoming critically academically literate? by Gordon Asher
- The Principal; Power and Professionalism in FE: Measuring Up To The Mean – Beggars Belief
- The Right to Higher Education: A Context For Widening Participation; A Digest
- The Sociology of Education: A Durkheimian View
- The Struggles of Innovation by Hina Suleman
- The University As A Third Space? by Keith Smyth
- The Ways in Which We Do Things…
- Theorising Autopedagogy; Relating Education to Human Rights
- Tila Morris Talks About The Radical Road And Values
- Trade School: Offering Learning Through Barter by Colin Hynson
- Twas The Rant Before Christmas… What Makes The COOCs Initiative Succeed Where Others Fail
- Vivian Aristotle Smiles: The Power of Individuals to Create
- Widening Participation in the Neoliberal University
- Widening Participation: Power, Knowledge and Silence; A Digest
- Working Class Academics Conference: 14th – 15th July 2020
- Working Men’s Clubs and Education by Dr Ruth Cherrington
- Working Mens Clubs and Education: Into the 20th Century by Ruth Cherrington
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Industrial Schools For The Destitute, Aberdeen By Mr. Sheriff Watson
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Intelligence
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Plans and Progress – Hints to Teachers
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Ragged School Memorials: The Old Stable. No. II
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Power of Pence
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Ragged School Teacher’s Appeal to all Classes
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Ragged School Union: Its Principles And Mode Of Operation
- 1850: The Ragged School Union Magazine Address
- Adam Smith by Richard Gunn
- Dek Keenan: Radical Adult Education in Scotland – Looking back
- Doctor Thomas Barnardo and the Ragged Schools
- Dr Jim Crowther: Looking back
- Dr Sharon Clancy: On Adult Education and the 1919 Report
- Dr. John Henrik Clarke: Black History as the Lost Pages of Human History
- Education History: A Brief History of Ragged Schools
- Education History: The American Chautauqua Education Movement
- Educational History: Al Ghazzali 1058 to 1111 CE
- Educational History: Andrew Bell 1753 to 1832
- Educational History: Confucius aka K’ung-fu-tzu 551 to 479 BCE
- Educational History: Desiderius Erasmus (Gerrit Gerritszoon) 1455 to 1536
- Educational History: Don Lorenzo Milani 1923 to 1967
- Educational History: Dr William Edward Burghardt Du Bois 1868 to 1963
- Educational History: Emile Durkheim 1858 to 1917
- Educational History: Gramsci and Independent Working Class Education by Colin Waugh
- Educational History: Grant Wood; Revolt Against the City 1891 to 1942
- Educational History: Ivan Illich and Deinstitutionalisation
- Educational History: Janusz Korczak 1878 to 1942
- Educational History: John Pounds and the Ragged Schools
- Educational History: Marc Bloch and the Historians Craft
- Educational History: Maria Montessori 1870 to 1952
- Educational History: Mary Wollstonecraft 1759 to 1797
- Educational History: Montesquieu and Relativism 1689 to 1755
- Educational History: Rabindranath Tagore 1861 to 1941
- Educational History: Socrates
- Educational History: The Democratic Intellect; Scotland’s Pedagogical Tradition
- Educational History: The Edinburgh Settlement
- Educational History: The Hedge Schools of Ireland
- Educational History: Thomas Guthrie and the Ragged Schools
- Educational History: Thomas Henry Huxley 1825 to 1895
- Experiments in Education: The Possibility of the 19th Century Auditor Today
- Great Educator: Leo Tolstoy 1828 to 1910
- Interview With An Educator: Colin Kirkwood
- John Player and Joyce Nicholson: Looking Forward; The Recovery Movement and Adult Education
- Manchester Medical Mission Affiliates to Charter Street Ragged School by Simon Ward
- Origins Of The Ragged Schools: John Pounds, The Kind Old Cobbler by D. H. Webster
- Ragged Schools and Ragged Scholars: Sunday Schools – Thomas Cranfield – John Pounds – the City Mission – Ragged Schools
- Ragged Schools History: The Children; The Poorest of the Poor
- Ragged Schools: Growth and Expansion, 1850-1860 by D. H. webster
- Ragged Schools: The School Day
- Recollections of John Pounds: Looking into John Pounds Shop by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: New Years Eve by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Sarah McEwan: Looking forward
- Scotland’s Intellectual Heritage: The Democratic Intellect – Richard Gunn and Murdo MacDonald
- The Benefits of the Ragged Schools Movement
- The Burston Strike School 1914 – 1939
- The Children’s Sheriff and the First Industrial Ragged Schools by D. H. Webster
- The History of Adult Learning Project in Edinburgh: A Freirean Approach
- The History of Ragged Schools in Angel Meadow and Manchester
- The Influence of the Sunday Schools on the Ragged School Movement by D. H. Webster
- The London Ragged School Union by D. H. Webster
- The Missing Story of Mary Burns and Fred: Silences in the Story of History
- The Peer Led Teaching of the Ragged Schools
- The Ragged School Movement and the Education of the Poor in the Nineteenth Century
- The Ragged Schools: Beginnings
- Wendy Burton: Trade Union Education (Looking forward)
- Working Men’s Clubs and Education by Dr Ruth Cherrington
- Working Mens Clubs and Education: Into the 20th Century by Ruth Cherrington
- 1905: Edinburgh University Settlement Association Constitution
- 1906: Letter Officially Appointing C. W. G. Taylor as First Warden of Edinburgh Settlement
- 1919: Edinburgh Settlement; Future of The Settlement Statement
- 1933 to 1934: Edinburgh Settlement Annual Report; Kirk O’Field College
- 1933 to 1934: Edinburgh Settlement Annual Report; Kirk O’Field; An Impression
- 1935: Report of Address by Lord Lothian, Founder of Newbattle Abbey College
- 1936: Extract from Minutes of the Settlement’s Annual Meeting
- 1937: ‘Everybody’s Thrift Shop’ Opened by Edinburgh Settlement
- 1960: University Settlement Plan Craigmillar Adventure Playground
- 1964 Edinburgh Settlement’s Bold Social Service Plans
- 1980 Review of Edinburgh Settlement’s Policy and Activities
- 1980: Edinburgh Settlement; The Need For Psychiatric Day Centres
- 1993: Edinburgh Settlement Unveils Plans For ‘Care Village’
- 1994: Edinburgh University Settlement’s School of Art Therapy; Historical Outline
- 6th March 1931: Winston Churchill opens the new Edinburgh Settlement extension
- Educational History: The Edinburgh Settlement
- Newsclipping: Adult Education Endowment Wanted
- Pioneer of the Settlement: Grace Drysdale
Seeing Education via many aspects
- A Crash Course in Social Capital
- Conference: Rethinking Inequality in Historical Perspective
- Developing Social Capital; From Promises to Knowledge Exchange
- Disappearing Social Spaces and The Third Place
- Floating Classrooms: A Model For Mobile Teaching
- It's Who You Know
- Ragged University Events Are Free Events
- Social Capital and Education: A Digest
- Social Capital and Pierre Bourdieu: A Digest
- The Differences Arise In Group Psychology
- The World Bank and Social Capital by Juan Guerra
- A Critical Analysis of the Role of International Law in the Israeli-Palestine by Amy McLean Conflict
- A Personal Account of Poverty in the United Kingdom: Entrenched Difficulty and Tenacious Myths
- Action Research: Outcomes and Measures Executive Summary and Recommendations
- Action Research: The Situation I am In; The View From The Other Side
- An Intelligent Way of Working: People Know How by Alex Dunedin
- An Interview With Dr Tuppy Owens; Human capabilities and supporting disabled people with their sexual lives
- Are Scottish Prisons Fit For Purpose: Transcript and Podcast of Panel Discussion
- Biases Around How People’s Intellectual Contribution Is Valued; Prejudicial and Biased Reasoning as Illogical and Irrational
- Biases In Psychology Which Affect How People’s Intellectual Contribution Is Valued; Implicit and Explicit Bias
- Biases In Psychology Which Affect How People’s Intellectual Contribution Is Valued; Behavioural Reactions to Dissonance and Confirmation Bias
- Binaries, Young Carers and The Barriers to Accessing Higher Education
- Britain’s Living Legacy of Racism and Prejudice: A Narrative and Review of Policy Recommendations
- Class, Opportunity and the Lesser Minds Problem
- Collaboration and Distinguishing the Selfish from Self Interest
- Cult Behaviours: Avoiding Dissent – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Cult Behaviours: Compliance with the Group – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Cult Behaviours: Dependence on a Leader – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Cult Behaviours: Devaluing the Outsider – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Dear Batman…
- Development as Freedom: The Human Capabilities Approach
- Disappearing Social Spaces and The Third Place
- Education as Human Development
- Education, Utopia, Necessity, and Existential Poverty
- Educational History: Emile Durkheim 1858 to 1917
- Educational History: Ivan Illich and Deinstitutionalisation
- Experiences of Food Poverty in Brighton and Hove by Samuel Lindskog
- Experiences of Food Poverty: Contents and Bibliography by Samuel Lindskog
- Experiences of Food Poverty: Literature Review by Samuel Lindskog
- Experiences of Food Poverty: Methods of Study by Samuel Lindskog
- Experiences of Food Poverty: Results and Discussion by Samuel Lindskog
- Giving Up The Smartphone and Gating Technology: Managing Information, Media and Technology
- How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and Improve Wellbeing by Prof Kate Pickett & Prof Richard Wilkinson
- Impoverishment, Downsourcing and Buying Your Way Out
- Informal Public Life And The Urban Agenda
- Information Inequalities and Cultural Life: University of Manchester Policy Week Nov 2014
- Investigating Attitudes Towards Aspects of Welfare Reform by Stephen McMurray
- John Morrison: Pop Up Lesson in Summerhall
- Justice Through The Looking Glass: Class and the Corruption of Law by Unsound Robin
- Kintsugi: Learning To Love The Critical
- Mad Studies: The Identitarian Problem
- Making a Prison Film: Injustice by Unsound Robin
- Male Street Based Sex Workers In Manchester; A Hidden Population By Judith Vickers
- Mathematical Proof of Situational Knowledge
- On Mutual Recognition by Richard Gunn
- Outcomes and Measurements Project: Interview with Colin MacLean
- Outcomes and Measurements Project: Interview with Glenn Liddall
- Podcast and Annotated Transcript: I Daniel Blake – The Benefit Cuts Debate with Jeane Freeman MSP Social Security Minister, Paul Laverty Screenwriter, and others
- Podcast: Classificatory Struggles; Class, Culture and Inequality in Neoliberal Times by Dr Imogen Tyler
- Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: Research and Resources
- Professor Beverley Skeggs talks about Exploitation, Domination, Dispossession and Devaluation
- Public Places Where We Meet And Share Are Third Places
- Public Sociology: From Dehumanisation to Epistemological Error Checking
- Security, Privacy, Information and Surveillance Discussion by Prof William Webster, Prof Charles Raab and Dr Andrew Neil
- Sexual Diversity Throughout Nature: A Primer
- Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience
- Social Capital and Pierre Bourdieu: A Digest
- Social Justice Issues and the Valuation of People as Knowledgeable
- Social Security Reform Panel with Ben MacPherson MSP, Alison Johnson MSP, Mike Vallance
- Sociological Barriers to Community Engagement with Higher Education Institutions
- Student Support Services On Zero Hours Contracts
- Sylvia Federici Discusses Feminist Responses, Unpaid Labour, Femicide And Institutional Silence
- The Cooperative Development of Julian Edge: A Digest, Notes and Reflections by Alex Dunedin
- The Differences Arise In Group Psychology
- The Great Good Place: A Digest
- The Importance of Spaces To Meet People
- The Pornography of Benefits Street; Comments on Classificatory Struggles: Class, Culture and Inequality in Neoliberal Times by Prof Sarah Green
- The Porous University, Socialisation and Reflections
- The Sociology of Education: A Durkheimian View
- The Tragedy of the Commons People: A Marmot Overview
- Thinking In Complex Ways And Development On Our Own Doorstep
- Trouble in Paradise: ‘Positive Prison ? Positive Futures…’; An Interview with Pete White
- Twas The Rant Before Christmas… What Makes The COOCs Initiative Succeed Where Others Fail
- Welfare Reforms and United Nations Report: Grave and Systematic Violations of Human Rights by UK Government
- What do you know about The Irish Potato Famine ?
- Why Not To Chase Wealth And Status: A Community Project Perspective
- Working Classness: Class as a Topology of Finance and Status
- Working Men’s Clubs and Education by Dr Ruth Cherrington
- ‘From Sweden With Care’; Alternative Visions of Education by Isak Stoddard
- A Community Vision For A Reuse And Repair Centre By Sophie Unwin
- A Few Tips For Reducing Plastic Consumption in Edinburgh by Emily Smith
- A Scotland Conservation Officer by Catherine Gemmel
- An Interview With A Development Worker: Shahid Khan
- Conference Poster Presentation: Ecoimmunology Perspectives on Glyphosate
- Critical Perspectives: Digital Technologies, Education and Sustainability
- Demian Natakhan Talks About Skepticism And Climate Change
- Educating For A Better Today: Climate Change In Context – ‘The Importance of Sustainability Education’ by Ewan Tennant
- Educating For The Steady State Economy by Susan Brown
- Embedding Sustainability Across The Curriculum: University of Manchester Community of Practice
- Fine Wine, Future Generations And Notions Of Sustainability by Susan Brown
- Food Sharing by Jess Acton
- Green Spaces And The ‘Good’ Citizen by Susan Brown
- How Can Education Help To Shape A Steady State Culture? by Susan Brown
- International Waste Management; Crises and Opportunities by David Brown
- Interview with Richard Smith, Sustainability Manager at BBC
- Invisible Deserts and Visible Diversity by Susan Brown
- Lets Talk About Population Baby! By Brian Chrystal
- Living a Less Toxic life by Faith Canter
- Manchester Environmental Education Network
- Midsommer Murders: Nature Notes From Tom Breheny
- Palm Oil: The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly! by Faith Canter
- Permaculture and Sustainability By Graham Bell
- Pete Wilkinson Co-Founder of Greenpeace Talks About His Life
- Plant Communities and Successional Characteristics by R . A . Cranwell
- Rajasthan’s Thar Desert and its Environment by Bob Cranwell
- Responding to Climate Change Scepticism by Demian Natakhan
- Sociological Barriers to Community Engagement with Higher Education Institutions
- Soil Development in Recently Deglaciated Terrain by R. A. Cranwell
- Susan Brown Talks About Sustainability Education
- Sustainability and Education by Bob Cranwell
- Sustainability Education: A Brief Introduction by Susan Brown
- Sustainability in the Curriculum: University of Manchester
- Sustainability Lessons From The Global South with Shahid Khan
- Sustainable Business: Interview With Eleanor Cunningham Owner of Edinburgh Larder
- Sylvia Federici Discusses Feminist Responses, Unpaid Labour, Femicide And Institutional Silence
- Teachers in Bangladesh; Ways of Seeing and Expressing Reality by Taslima Ivy
- Technology for the Masses: Important Free Operating Systems
- The Benefits of Seed Banking, and Seed Conservation in Action in Islands of the Mediterranean Basin by Sarah Hansen
- The Importance of Biodiversity and the role of Biodiversity Partnerships by Dennis Dick
- The Real Story of Recycling, Waste and the Environment: International Waste Management – Crisis And Opportunity
- Tight Budget ? No worries, we can make presents for any occasion out of recycled materials by Amelia Modrak
- Unpacking Positives: International Panel on Climate Change Special Report 1.5 Degrees by Prof Kevin Anderson
- What Is ‘Ecological Literacy’? by Susan Brown
- Why Not an Economy of Recycling? by Amelia Modrak
- Youth Climate Strike Manchester – What Do I Tell The Grandchildren ?
- A Short History of the Stockmarket
- Action Research: Outputs, Outcomes and the Political Setting
- Adam Smith by Richard Gunn
- Barriers to Participation in an Economy: Monopoly, Bureaucracy and Opportunity
- Biases In Psychology Which Affect How People’s Intellectual Contribution Is Valued; Behavioural Reactions to Dissonance and Confirmation Bias
- Business and Community
- Catalysing Equitable Pay in the Private Sector: Equitable Pay as Procurement Criteria by Benjamine Irvine
- Class, Opportunity and the Lesser Minds Problem
- Constructing Resilient Education: Social Practices Which Form Community
- Corporate MOTing: Hints and Tips on Interpreting Business Reportage Part One: Annual Reports: What Are They Good For? by Doreen Soutar
- Corporate MOTing: Hints and Tips on Interpreting Business Reportage Part Three: SWOTS, PESTS, and CSR by Doreen Soutar
- Corporate MOTing: Hints and Tips on Interpreting Business Reportage: Part two: Show me the money by Doreen Soutar
- Critical Apprenticeships: The Wrights and the Wrongs of Passage
- Economics: Special Exam by Donald Rutherford
- Education As A Public Good: A Digest
- Education, Training and Applied Economics: A Digest
- Education, Welfare and Economics: A Human Capabilities View
- Ethnocentricism and Country of Origin Effects: Literature Review by Doreen Soutar
- Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Effects: Ethnocentrism and Consumers by Doreen Soutar
- Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Effects: Introduction by Doreen Soutar
- Ethnocentrism and Country of Origin Effects: The Process of Purchasing by Doreen Soutar
- Food Speculation: The Ordinary Business Of Life
- Foodsharing Edinburgh
- How Financial Speculation is Artificially Inflating Staple Food Prices
- Human Development and Opportunity Costs
- In Place of Pay Inequality: By Benjamin Irvine
- Independent Business: An Interview With Ali Gower Owner Of The Chocolate Tree
- Intellectual Property: Fair Dealing and Public Interest
- Intellectual Property: History, Public Domain and Ideas
- International Waste Management; Crises and Opportunities by David Brown
- Invisible Colleges: Owning Our Common Intellectual Heritage
- Is Economics a Dismal Science? Addendum
- Joseph Stiglitz Talks About Creating A Learning Society
- Living Well: Practical Solidarity and Steady State
- Local Economies and Neighbourhood Renewal
- Local Third Places and Re-Imagining Economies as Sustainable
- Pay Multiples: Policies on the Relationship Between Top Pay and that of the Rest by Benjamin Irvine
- Podcast and Annotated Transcript: I Daniel Blake – The Benefit Cuts Debate with Jeane Freeman MSP Social Security Minister, Paul Laverty Screenwriter, and others
- Podcast: Dr Gabriel Siles-Brugge talks about the background to TTIP
- Podcast: Polly Jones of the World Development Movement Discusses TTIP
- Podcast: Professor Clive George talks about TTIP
- Podcast: Richard Murphy, Taxation, Secrecy Jurisdictions and the Joy of Tax
- Public Places Where We Meet And Share Are Third Places
- Student as Consumer: A Sign of a Global Pathology
- Sustainable Business: Interview With Eleanor Cunningham Owner of Edinburgh Larder
- Sylvia Federici Discusses Feminist Responses, Unpaid Labour, Femicide And Institutional Silence
- Tackling Income Inequality: Local Government Pay Policies by Benjamin Irvine
- The Banking Game: Analysis of the Extinction of the Bank as Trusted Institution by Doreen Soutar
- The Banking Game: Literature Review Part One by Doreen Soutar
- The Banking Game: Literature Review Part Three and Conclusion by Doreen Soutar
- The Banking Game: Literature Review Part Two by Doreen Soutar
- The Colonisation of Political Economy as a Subject Field and its Reduction to Finance
- The Corporate Takeover of Education
- The Corporation: Public Discussion on the Film
- The Country of Origin (COO) Effect by Doreen Soutar
- The Environmental and Social Costs of Inequality by Benjamin Irvine
- The Manipulation and Distortion of The Stockmarket
- The Medium is the Means: The Industrial Educational Complex
- The Missing Story of Mary Burns and Fred: Silences in the Story of History
- The Moral Marketplace by Doreen Soutar
- The Production of Scarcity and Famine
- The Rise of Offshore Business
- Understanding How to Support a Local Economy
- Widening Participation in the Neoliberal University
Artifacts of Learning
- Call for Case Studies: United Nations Disabled People’s Convention
- Censorship, Surveillance & Mass Infantilization by Paul Whittaker
- Concerning the Future of Edinburgh’s Central Library and the City’s World Heritage Status by Simon Byrom
- Critical Apprenticeships: The Wrights and the Wrongs of Passage
- Disaster Capitalism and War on Drugs: An Interview With Antony Loewenstein and Q+A Session at Recovering Justice
- Employment Support Allowance: Over 100,000 Claims Closed Following Death of Claimants
- Inclusion Scotland press release: Scottish disabled people call for human rights to be met
- Is Plastic Really Fantastic? by Faith Canter
- Learning How to Survive Outcomes and Measurements Culture
- Mapping the Human Brain by Mike McInnes
- Natural Monopoly, Essential Goods and Regulation
- One Day Without Us Edinburgh: A Celebration of Migrants and Standing up to Xenophobia
- Podcast and Annotated Transcript: I Daniel Blake – The Benefit Cuts Debate with Jeane Freeman MSP Social Security Minister, Paul Laverty Screenwriter, and others
- Podcast: George Monbiot; How Did We Get Into This Mess ?
- Podcast: NHS SOS; Five British Medical Association Council Members Speak Out
- Podcast: Richard Murphy, Taxation, Secrecy Jurisdictions and the Joy of Tax
- Prof Peter Beresford Introduces Studies in Mad Matters
- Rest In Pieces: The Competition Commission
- Revolutionary Psychoanalysts with Palestine by Professor Ian Parker
- The Energy Companies Wear No Clothes
- The Financialisation of Education
- The Premiere of the Film ‘Workers’: A Panel Discussion on Sex Workers Rights
- The Stepford Nannies: How “Choice Architecture” is Building a Perfect Society by Paul Whittaker
- War Crimes and Genocide in Gaza: Memorial and Public Statement by Scholars
- Welfare Reforms and United Nations Report: Grave and Systematic Violations of Human Rights by UK Government
- Why Are We Here? By Adam Smyth
- Youth Climate Strike Manchester – What Do I Tell The Grandchildren ?
- An Interview With A Development Worker: Shahid Khan
- An Interview With An Editor: Dr Gillian Dooley
- Conversation on Education: John Salway and Alex Dunedin
- Doctor Thomas Barnardo and the Ragged Schools
- Edinburgh Fringe Live: Interview with Daniel Scott
- Interview With A Philosopher: Ciaran Healy
- Interview with an Activist: Mike Cormack and Welfare Reforms
- Interview With An Educator: Alex Shukie
- Interview With An Educator: Colin Kirkwood
- Interview With An Educator: Colin MacLean
- Interview With An Educator: George Wilson
- Interview With An Educator: John Morrison
- Interview With An Educator: Julian Edge
- Interview With An Educator: Peter Shukie
- Interview With An Educator: Professor Ray Miller
- Interview With An Educator: Sugata Mitra
- Interview With An Educator: Will Golding
- NASOV You, Me, Seagulls and the Sea
- Claire J Hornby: An Exhibition
- Educational History: Grant Wood; Revolt Against the City 1891 to 1942
- Face Value by James Clegg
- Graphic Information Design: Graphic Design Influences
- Graphic Information Design: Information Design
- Graphic Information Design: Introduction
- Graphic Information Design: Print History
- Graphic Information Design: The Function of Visible Speech
- Graphic Information Design: Typography
- It’s a Very, Very Mad World… by Sonia Soans
- Knowledge as an Art Object
- Paths, Parks and Pencil: The Background Story by Adele Gregory
- Photo Collection: Mad World Exhibition 2017
- Place and Platform: Abi Lewis and Susannah Leake
- Podcast: 3D Printing; No-hype, Promise, Just Extraordinary Art and Design by Ann Marie Shillito
- Spinoza’s Spectacles: Philosophy, Science and Dutch Masters by Joseph Darlington
- The Tender Paintings by Juan Suarez Cobo: An Article In Memoriam by Amelia Mondrak
- The Value of Reality: Emotional Works by Amelia Modrak
- Tight Budget ? No worries, we can make presents for any occasion out of recycled materials by Amelia Modrak
- Bilingual: Life and Reality was recommended by Dr Madeleine Beveridge
- Connected: The Amazing Power of Our Social Networks was suggested by David Jarman
- Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things was recommended by John Morrison
- Hope In The Dark suggested by Gordon Asher
- How to be an Explorer of the World suggested by Rick Hall
- Multimedia Learning suggested by Susan Brown
- My Dream Is To Be Bold: Our Work To End Patriarchy suggested by Jane Quin
- Phantoms in the Brain by Ramachandran was suggested by Katrina Parkin
- Philosophy for Everyone was suggested by Professor Duncan Pritchard
- Philosophy of Education: An Anthology was suggested by Keith Smyth
- Road to Wigan Pier was suggested by Dr Joel Lazarus
- Seeing Like a State suggested by Professor James Smith
- Sustainable Energy: Without The Hot Air was recommended by Dr Neil Robertson
- The Democratic Intellect was recommended by Richard Gunn
- The Ebb Tide by Robert Louis Stevenson was suggested by Linda Dryden
- The Great Gatsby suggested by Steve Tilley
- The Marketisation of Higher Education and Student as Consumer was suggested by Keith Smyth
- The Spirit Level: Why Equality Is Better For Everyone was suggested by Dr Gillean McCluskey
- Words And Rules: The Ingredients of Language was suggested by Dr Sarah Anderson
- 2 Languages in 1 Brain by Antonella Sorace
- A Brief History of the Ragged Schools by Alex Dunedin
- A Different Kind Of Revolution by Ciaran Healy
- Advocating to End The Drug War: How to Build Successful Advocacy by Michael Collins
- An Exploration of Informal Education with Students at John Moores University
- An Interview With A Development Worker: Shahid Khan
- An Interview With Dr Tuppy Owens; Human capabilities and supporting disabled people with their sexual lives
- Annie Harrison talks about the endangered Cornflower
- Are Scottish Prisons Fit For Purpose: Transcript and Podcast of Panel Discussion
- Are We All Going Mad? Changing Approaches to Mental Health by Prof Ray Miller
- Aye Minister; What Civil Servants Do: A Podcast of Colin MacLean's Talk
- Betting on Famine; Why The World Still Goes Hungry
- Beyond The Urban Fox by Bob Redwater
- Butterfly Kisses from the Hunchback (whilst driving on the M6) by Craig Hammond
- Carl Rosa; The Entrepreneur Who Made Opera Popular: or From ‘Juvenile Paganini’ to Operatic Entrepreneur by Iain Fraser
- Civil War; Ranters, Quakers and Revolution by Richard Gunn
- Confessions of an FE Lecturer; What Happened to the Community? From Further Education to Factory by Nina Doran
- Consuming Education; BERA Panel on Challenges, Threats & Opportunities across the Post-compulsory Sectors
- Conversation on Education: John Salway and Alex Dunedin
- Crime, Punishment and Faith in Change by Prof Fergus McNeill
- DADA and the Drum Kit by Aiden Pilling
- David Seagrave Talks About Walks He Has Created For Lonely People At Christmas
- David Turner talks the Arms Trade
- Dek Keenan: Radical Adult Education in Scotland – Looking back
- Demian Natakhan Talks About Skepticism And Climate Change
- Disaster Capitalism and War on Drugs: An Interview With Antony Loewenstein and Q+A Session at Recovering Justice
- Discussion of M.E. with Knowledgeable Patient Elizabeth Moncrieff following Film Screening of Unrest
- Doctor Thomas Barnardo and the Ragged Schools
- Dr Jim Crowther: Looking back
- Embedding Sustainability Across The Curriculum: University of Manchester Community of Practice
- Face Value: Individuals Who Inspired People To Learn
- Film Screening of ‘European voices in Edinburgh’ Followed by Discussion by Lin Li
- Food Additives – How to tell which ones are toxic by Alex Dunedin
- Freedom in the Fridge by Sara Louise Dobson
- How and why did a religious country like Scotland in 17th and 18th centuries, get involved in slavery and how was it eventually ended? by Kate Phillips
- How Creativity, Exercise and Nutrition can help to Better Manage Mental Health Conditions by Louise Lord
- How, as an environmentalist, I got involved in solidarity with the Palestinians by Eurig Scandrett
- Independent Business: An Interview With Ali Gower Owner Of The Chocolate Tree
- International Waste Management; Crises and Opportunities by David Brown
- Interview With An Educator: Alex Shukie
- Interview With An Educator: John Morrison
- Interview With An Educator: Professor Ray Miller
- Interview With An Educator: Will Golding
- James Clegg Talks About The Art Exhibition ‘Trading Zone’
- John Player and Joyce Nicholson: Looking Forward; The Recovery Movement and Adult Education
- Let’s Talk about Identities, Choices and Freedom by Anne Pia
- Lets Talk About Population Baby! By Brian Chrystal
- Lets Talk About Population Baby! by Brian Chrystal
- Lions Led by Donkeys – The Catastrophic Failures of WW1 British High Command; A Memorial to Commemorate Those Lost at the Battle of Loos
- Livestream: Strange Terrain Part One; On A New Understanding Of The Nature Of Human Beings by Ciaran Healy
- Loneliness and Social Isolation
- Mad People’s History by Steve Tilley
- Medical Imaging Physics; Seeing Beyond the Skin by Tommy McMullan
- Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology by John Morrison
- Metissage: A Conversation on Knowledge, Social Movements and Really Big Change
- Music, Mathematics and the Harmony of the Spheres by Hugh Peters
- Nick Dixon and Annie Harrison talk about ExtInked tattoos
- Nick Dixon and the endangered Western Capercaillie
- On Mutual Recognition by Richard Gunn
- Oor Mad History by Kirsten Maclean
- Pete Wilkinson Co-Founder of Greenpeace Talks About His Life
- Peter Barratt talks about Alice Hawkins the Suffragette
- Philosophy of Science: How we know what we think we know by Alex Dunedin
- Piyush Roy Brings Together A Panel On Indian Politics
- Piyush Roy Introduces Chitrangada: The Crowning Wish by Rituparno Ghosh
- Podcast and Transcript: Reflections On Schizophrenia by Kenneth Wilson
- Podcast: 3D Printing; No-hype, Promise, Just Extraordinary Art and Design by Ann Marie Shillito
- Podcast: A Different Kind Of Humanity by Ciaran Healy
- Podcast: A Memory of Blood; Livestreaming and the Fall of the Mongolian Empire by Donald Carrick
- Podcast: A World Where Everyone Is A Teacher And Knowledge Is Up To You by Peter Shukie
- Podcast: Basic Computer Programming With No Code by Dr Tim Willis
- Podcast: Broken Boy
- Podcast: Classificatory Struggles; Class, Culture and Inequality in Neoliberal Times by Dr Imogen Tyler
- Podcast: Colin Waugh Talks About The Ruskin College Strike of 1909
- Podcast: David Greig Talks About W S Graham And His Poetry
- Podcast: Digital Culture, Mindfulness and Existential Threat by Nadine Andrews
- Podcast: Dr Tim Willis talks about How to Start Up A Tech Business
- Podcast: Drew Whitworth Introduces Session on Information Inequalities
- Podcast: Dyslexia in Post Industrial Manchester by Roger Broadbent
- Podcast: Food Inc; The Film And A Discussion
- Podcast: George Monbiot; How Did We Get Into This Mess ?
- Podcast: Give And Ye Shall Receive by Joel White
- Podcast: Gulabi Gang; A Discussion With The Director Nivedita Menon
- Podcast: Happiness Revisited; Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishments by Prof. Ray Miller
- Podcast: Healthy Living in Edinburgh by Tracy Griffen
- Podcast: Kate Gilliam talking about Guerilla Gardening
- Podcast: Keith Smyth talks about Digital Literacies
- Podcast: Multilingualism; An Investment For A Better Society by Prof Antonella Sorace
- Podcast: Music In India; Music In Me By Jatin Puri
- Podcast: Myths of Popular Psychology by Prof Ray Miller
- Podcast: News Stories and Popular Fiction by Julian Edge
- Podcast: NHS SOS; Five British Medical Association Council Members Speak Out
- Podcast: Noumenal Contouring; The Secret Of Science, The Secret Of Skill by Ciaran Healy
- Podcast: On A New Understanding Of Human Beings by Ciaran Healy
- Podcast: Performance of From The Ganga To The Tay – Epic Poem by Prof Bashabi Fraser
- Podcast: Peter Shukie Introduces Community Open Online Courses
- Podcast: Peter Shukie Shares His Philosophy of Community Open Online Courses
- Podcast: Privacy And Freedom In The Internet Age by Steve McIndoe
- Podcast: Prof Antonella Sorace talks about ‘How Children Learn Two Languages’
- Podcast: Professor Clive George talks about TTIP
- Podcast: Professor Keith Smyth’s Inaugural Lecture; ‘It’s Third Space, Jim, but not as we know it’
- Podcast: Professor Virginia Eubanks Talks About Digital Deadends
- Podcast: Psychology of Vocal Performance by Dr Denise Borland
- Podcast: Robert Burns Subversive Radical by Kevin Williamson
- Podcast: Sam Makin Plays a Grand Piano Interpreting Classic Jazz Standards
- Podcast: Singing The Law and Riding The City; The Story of Ghengis Khan by Donald Carrick
- Podcast: Temujin Rising; How a Slave Would Change World History By Donald Carrick
- Podcast: The British Experimental Novelists of the 1960s; A Forgotten Avant Garde
- Podcast: The Psychology of Sleep by Prof Ray Miller
- Podcast: The Ragged Schools of Angel Meadows by Simon Ward
- Podcast: The Social Psychology of Relationships by Professor Ray Miller
- Podcast: Treasures in phone boxes; street games and play in the city by Jana Wendler
- Podcast: Universities as Anchor Institutes; University of Manchester and Brunswick Estate, A Socially Just Model? by Dr Carl Emery
- Podcast: We Don’t Need No Educashun; The Brain As A Learning Machine by Prof Ray Miller
- Podcast: Welcome To The Midlife Revolution by Andy Fergusson
- Poppies for Peace, Films for Freedom! by Simon Byrom
- Presentation on the Free Education Network for John Morrison
- Prison and Dehumanisation; Film Screening and Talks on Crime, Prison and Us
- Prof Peter Beresford Introduces Studies in Mad Matters
- Professor Beverley Skeggs talks about Exploitation, Domination, Dispossession and Devaluation
- Psychiatry, Human Rights and Social Contagion by Alex Dunedin
- Psychoanalysis And Science: Prof Christian Dunker And Prof Ian Parker Discuss
- Robert Turnbull: The Plebs League In The North of England and Working Class Education
- Romantic Radicals & Intellectual Barbarians; John Hargrave, the KibboKift & Beyond by Anne Fernie
- Sarah McEwan: Looking forward
- Scotland’s Intellectual Heritage: The Democratic Intellect – Richard Gunn and Murdo MacDonald
- Security, Privacy, Information and Surveillance Discussion by Prof William Webster, Prof Charles Raab and Dr Andrew Neil
- Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience
- Spinoza’s Spectacles: Philosophy, Science and Dutch Masters by Joseph Darlington
- Susan Brown Talks About Sustainability Education
- Sustainability in the Curriculum: University of Manchester
- Teachers in Bangladesh; Ways of Seeing and Expressing Reality by Taslima Ivy
- The Art of Not-Knowing by James Clegg
- The Colonisation of Political Economy as a Subject Field and its Reduction to Finance
- The Dark or Ethical Prince; There Is Always A Choice by Lynne Sedgmore
- The Excluded Voices of FE Teachers and Communities: The Principal – Power and Politics in Further Education by Rob Peutrell
- The Free Project; Opening Doors To Freedom by Emma Hammond
- The Future of Education: My Perspective Given to Students
- The Green Man, The Work of Lucy Skaer by James Clegg
- The Grief of Isis by Makmed the Miller
- The History of the RSA by Jamie Cooke
- The Origin of Hippie in Europe 1880 to 1940 by Anne Hill Fernie
- The Permanent Revolution of Education by Dave Hall
- The Philosophy of Mutual Recognition by Richard Gunn
- The Porous University Symposium; What We Say and What We Do by Gina Wall
- The Porous University Symposium: “Der Fachidiot”; The Paratechnic in the Monotechnic by Neil Mullholland
- The Porous University Symposium: Inquiry as openness; Re-imagining the university, its commitments and responsibilities by Emanuele Bardone and Maarja Taaler
- The Porous University Symposium: The University Beyond Its Walls by Frank Rennie
- The Porous University: Opening up the University; Being and becoming critically academically literate? by Gordon Asher
- The Power of the Elder by Eli Anderson
- The Principal; Power and Professionalism in FE: Measuring Up To The Mean – Beggars Belief
- The Problematic Links Between Technology Use in Learning and Sustainability: Views From An Educator
- The Scottish Highland and Lowland Clearances; When sheep became more profitable than people
- Thinkers or Junkers? Germans in England 1860-1920 & Beyond by Anne Hill Fernie
- Thomas Guthrie And The Ragged Schools: The First Ragged Podcast…
- Universal Basic Income: A Crash Course
- Unpacking Positives: International Panel on Climate Change Special Report 1.5 Degrees by Prof Kevin Anderson
- Video: Anne Fernie Presents The Countercultural Imperative and The Origin of The Hippie
- Video: Colin Waugh Talks About The 1909 Ruskin College Strike
- Video: Joseph Darlington Presents The Lost Avant Garde Writers
- Video: Strange Terrain Part Two; A Different Kind of Humanity by Ciaran Healy
- What is Feminism ? by Brigitte Lechner
- Why a Bilingual is not the Sum of two Monolinguals (and, by the way, do real Monolinguals still exist?) by Prof Antonella Sorace
- Your Brain Through Your Ages; Stages of Cognitive Development by Prof Ray Miller
- A Study of Multiple Sclerosis: A Bibliography by Alex Dunedin
- Bronchial Asthma and Atopy: A Concorded Hypothesis by Alex Dunedin
- Common Sense: A Theory of Inherent Knowledge
- Error and Scepticism
- Experiments and Predictions
- Exploratory Study: Vitamin D and COVID 19 – Evidence for Prevention and Treatment
- Glyphosate: Environmental Toxicology Report
- Hypothesis, Theory, Model and Law
- Karl Popper’s Falsification and the Demarcation of Scientific Knowledge: A Digest
- Logic and Reasoning
- Multiple Sclerosis: Complete Literature Review and Appended Hypothesis by Alex Dunedin
- N Acetyl Cysteine in Problem Drug Use and Psychiatric Treatments: A Verbatim Science Method
- Objectivity
- Observation and Empiricism
- Peer Review
- Prospecting Document: Molybdenum Adjunct to Thiamine Therapy in Relation to Alcohol Use
- Scholarly Politics and Human Foibles
- Science and Knowledge
- Scientific Method
- The Common Instruments of Knowledge
- The Traditional, the Contemporary and Orthodoxy
- A Study of Multiple Sclerosis: A Bibliography by Alex Dunedin
- A Study of Multiple Sclerosis: Introduction to Hypothesis by Alex Dunedin
- A Study of Multiple Sclerosis: Treatments by Alex Dunedin
- Multiple Sclerosis: Complete Literature Review and Appended Hypothesis by Alex Dunedin
- ‘People’: A Poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko
- 'Old Space Taken' by Rattlecans
- 24th Aug 2015: To Space; Human costs of Space exploration by Dr Niamh Shaw
- 318 Education Funding Resources
- 7th December 2015: A 90 Minute Introduction to Jazz; Nothing Too Heavy by George Wilson
- A Brief History of Ruskin College by Raymond King
- A Call to Life Model in Edinburgh
- A Century after the Suffragettes
- A Dynamic Asperger Arts Project by David Seagrave
- A General Introduction to India by Bob Cranwell
- A Journey to Glimpsing the Dream of the Earth by Helena Kettleborough
- A Note On The Senses: Common Sense From Aristotle to Marx and Beyond by Richard Gunn
- A Poacher And His Fare: Bob with Rifle and Hare
- A Potted History of Horseracing
- A Rubbish Eureka Moment: An Artist’s Environmental Quest by Julia Barton
- A Scotland Conservation Officer by Catherine Gemmel
- A Short History of the Stockmarket
- A Social and Environmental Philosophy: Human Action in the Biosphere by Kenneth Wilson
- A Social and Environmental Philosophy: The Historical Dimension of Action by Kenneth Wilson
- A Social and Environmental Philosophy: The Individual and Collective Dimension of Action by Kenneth Wilson
- A Study of Multiple Sclerosis: Description by Alex Dunedin
- A Study of Multiple Sclerosis: Introduction to Hypothesis by Alex Dunedin
- A Study of Multiple Sclerosis: Treatments by Alex Dunedin
- A Tragedy in Three Acts by Mr No Name
- A Vigorous Renaissance of Social Value by David Seagrave
- About Something Different by Tim Prevett
- Above Us, The Sky: A Documentary by Lin Li
- Absolute Honesty by David Seagrave
- Additives and the Diet
- Alcohol: How To Remember Not To Forget
- Alexander: The Demon King by Warwick Ball
- Alice Hawkins The Life of a Suffragette by Peter Barratt
- An Essay on the History of Written Language: Ivory Towers and Mythical Landscapes
- An Interview With A Development Worker: Shahid Khan
- An Interview With An Editor: Dr Gillian Dooley
- Another Aristotle, Perhaps ? by David Seagrave
- Appeal From The Littoral Zone By Julia Barton
- Asperger Lifelong Learning by David Seagrave
- Asylum Magazine
- Beyond The Urban Fox by Bob Redwater
- Blood and Blood Substitutes by Abigail Kraft
- Business Opportunities Between UK and China by Maggie Kang
- Cacao Sourcing, Preservation of Biodiversity, Ethical Trade & Chocolate Making by Ali Gower
- Categorical Thinking and the Narrowness of Rhetoric
- Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC)
- Children’s University: Learning Beyond the Classroom by Mary Brittain
- Christmas: Sectioned and Suicidal on an Acute Ward by Dina Poursanidou
- Citizen Journalism
- Citizenship Education: The Value of Dialogue by Eileen Francis
- City of Literature Trust by Peggy Hughes
- Collaboration: University of Manchester and Ragged University By Steve McIndoe
- Collective Amnesia by Aileen A Paton
- Common Sense: A Theory of Inherent Knowledge
- Computer Energy Saving Info by Joseph Cranwell
- Computers and Getting to Grips With Basics by Derek Howden
- David Seagrave Talks About Walks He Has Created For Lonely People At Christmas
- Deinstitutionalising Society: Individual and Institution
- Development with Dignity; New Perspectives By Shahid Khan
- Digital Innovation, Mindfulness and Existential Angst By Nadine Andrews
- Do You Know What Slow TV Is ? by Tim Prevett
- Dreaming While You’re Sleeping by Joel White
- Dreamwhispering by Geoff Baines
- Easy Healthy Recipe: Super Seaweed Salad by Tracy Griffen
- Easy Seasonal Recipe: Super Cabbage Soup by Tracy Griffen
- Edinburgh FareShare Food Collection by Christopher Somerville
- Edinburgh Fringe Live: Here’s the photos of Elaine
- Emergency Linux Migration Guide by Paul Whitaker
- Feelings and Emotions are an Essential Part of Our Everyday Experience So Why Do So Many Modern Therapies Try to Get Rid of so Called ‘Bad Feelings’ by Leon Paterson
- Food Additives Banned by One or More Countries
- Food Speculation: The Ordinary Business Of Life
- Free Text Prediction App for Edinburgh Festival by Dr Tim Willis
- Ghosted: Confessions of a Model Essay Writer by Tiny Splinter
- Graphic Information Design: Graphic Design Influences
- Graphic Information Design: Introduction
- Graphic Information Design: Print History
- Happiness In Practice: A Presentation by Prof. Ray Miller
- Help Save the Western Capercaillie
- Horizon-scanning: Ethics for Robots – Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? by John Sawkins
- How Accents Work by Lauren Hall Lew
- How Feminism Found Me by Laura Mulcahy
- How Financial Speculation is Artificially Inflating Staple Food Prices
- How To Control Cookies Policy
- IF: This University Is Free by Jonny Mundey
- Imagining Europe: Reclaiming Public Space; Democratic Practices Reinvented
- Inspector Rosenhan Visits The Asylum
- Internet and Computer Security: The Basics by Alex Dunedin
- Introducing AfroFutures by Florence Okoye
- Introducing the Free University Network by Joel Lazarus
- Introduction to Linguistics, Phonetics and Computational Linguistics by Tim Willis
- Introduction: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson
- Is Plastic Really Fantastic? by Faith Canter
- It All Starts With A Thought by Joel White
- It’s a Very, Very Mad World… by Sonia Soans
- James Braid: Father of Modern Hypnotism by Stephen McMurray
- Journal: Finding a Way to Participate
- Leith Lives: The Country Within The Country
- Life-long Learning Without Life-long Debt By Gary Saunders and Ali Ghanimi
- Live Stream: Enemies, Friends and Lovers; The Social Psychology of Relationships by Prof Ray Miller
- Living a Less Toxic life by Faith Canter
- Lost Horizon or Living Landscape: Place, Time and People in Gaelic Scotland by Virginia Blankenhorn
- Loving Yourself Inside & Out! by Faith Canter
- Manchester Medical Mission Affiliates to Charter Street Ragged School by Simon Ward
- Mapping the Human Brain by Mike McInnes
- Masterclass: Myths of Attraction by Mairi Macleod, PhD
- Mathematical Proof of Situational Knowledge
- Media Headlines Concerning Mental Health Service Users In England By Dina Poursanidou
- Medical Magic by Elizabeth Moncrieff
- Memoir of The Common Man by Bob Redwater
- Memory of a Poacher: Royal Archers on the Meadows by Bob Redwater
- Mindfulness: The Importance of Being in the Moment by Joel White
- My Local Patch: A Sense of Place and Inspiration by Juliet Wilson
- Natural Monopoly, Essential Goods and Regulation
- Natural Processes Replaced by Hasty Remedies by Leon Paterson
- Nick Dixon and Annie Harrison talk about ExtInked tattoos
- On Mutual Recognition by Richard Gunn
- Open Access to Research Publications: Accessing Research Online by Emily Nunn
- Opinion Piece: Teaching; How Society Gets Taught History by Books and Media and Politics by Maurice Frank
- Overcoming The Joy Sponges
- Overview: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson
- Palm Oil: The Good, The Bad and the Downright Ugly! by Faith Canter
- Paths, Parks and Pencil: The Background Story by Adele Gregory
- Paul Bruce and Edinburgh Short Film Festival
- Permaculture and Sustainability By Graham Bell
- Personal Wealth by Julia Macintosh
- Persons and Personhood: Notes and Sketches
- Pete Wilkinson Co-Founder of Greenpeace Talks About His Life
- Philosophy Is Like Sand, It Gets Everywhere by Will Bentinck
- Piyush Roy Brings Together A Panel On Indian Politics
- Piyush Roy Introduces Chitrangada: The Crowning Wish by Rituparno Ghosh
- Place and Platform: Abi Lewis and Susannah Leake
- Podcast: Dr Gabriel Siles-Brugge talks about the background to TTIP
- Podcast: Food Inc; The Film And A Discussion
- Podcast: George Monbiot; How Did We Get Into This Mess ?
- Podcast: Professor Virginia Eubanks Talks About Digital Deadends
- Podcast: Singing The Law and Riding The City; The Story of Ghengis Khan by Donald Carrick
- Podcast: The British Experimental Novelists of the 1960s; A Forgotten Avant Garde
- Podcast: The History Of Asylum Magazine by Helen Spandler
- Podcast: Treasures in phone boxes; street games and play in the city by Jana Wendler
- Preface: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson
- Profession by Isaac Asimov
- Questions by Colin MacLean
- Ragged University: ‘Something For Nothing’ by Don Ledingham
- Rationality and Science: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson
- Rationality, Economics and Violence: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson
- Rationality, Religion and Modernity Part A: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson
- Rationality, Religion and Modernity Part B: A Social and Environmental Philosophy by Kenneth Wilson
- Reality Bites by Leon Paterson
- Recipe For Dry Banana Wine by Andrea Fuhrmann
- Recovery is a long, windy (Guthrie) Street by Dan Jackson-Yang
- Rediscovering Independent Working Class Education by Colin Waugh
- Reflections On Schizophrenia Etc by Kenneth Wilson
- Research, Taxation, and Comprehension by George Wilson
- Responding to Climate Change Scepticism by Demian Natakhan
- Rest In Pieces: The Competition Commission
- Right to a Fair Trial: The Painted Bird by Tom Muirhead & Alan Aitken
- Romantic Radicals and Agrarian Futurists: John Hargrave, the Kibbo Kift and Beyond by Anne Fernie
- Samuel P. Huntington is a Muppet by Grant Crozier
- Science, Medicine, and Monsters by Jessica Roberts
- Scotland’s Census 2011: The Cyber Pathway to the Killing Fields by Tom Muirhead
- Seismic Philosophy by Ciaran Healy
- Sioux, The Irish And Running Horses By Bob Redwater
- Situated: Rhetorical Techne, Local Knowledge and Challenges
- Spinoza’s Spectacles: Philosophy, Science and Dutch Masters by Joseph Darlington
- Stories Of A Poacher: Bob In His Mid Twenties by Bob Redwater
- Systems Thinking; Management By Doing The Right Thing by Andy Lippok
- Systems Thinking: A Series by Andy Lipok
- Systems Thinking: Demand by Andy Lipok
- Systems Thinking: Establishing Purpose by Andy Lipok
- Systems Thinking: Flow by Andy Lipok
- Systems Thinking: Measures by Andy Lipok
- Systems Thinking: Purpose by Andy Lipok
- Systems Thinking: The System by Andy Lipok
- Take Peace Studies To The Personal Level by Maurice Frank
- Tales From The Lives of A Poacher by Bob Redwater
- The Arms Trade: The Winners and Losers by David Turner
- The Beltane Public Engagement Network by Sarah Anderson
- The Benefits of Seed Banking, and Seed Conservation in Action in Islands of the Mediterranean Basin by Sarah Hansen
- The Common Instruments of Knowledge
- The Craft of Storytelling by Eli Anderson
- The Energy Companies Wear No Clothes
- The Financialisation of Education
- The Free University of Nottingham: It Would Be F.U.N. by Mike Scott
- The Highland Clearances: Reading History and Dispossession
- The History of Ragged Schools in Angel Meadow and Manchester
- The Holding Space by Julia Macintosh
- The Importance of Biodiversity and the role of Biodiversity Partnerships by Dennis Dick
- The Importance of Spaces To Meet People
- The Lapps by Robert Cranwell
- The LGBT Basketball Group by Jules Barnes
- The More, The Merrier: Facts And Beliefs About The Bilingual Mind by Antonella Sorace
- The Multilingual Language Quiz Superdooper Test
- The Mythology of Greek Monsters’ by Heather Rae
- The Origin of Hippie in Europe 1880 to 1940 by Anne Hill Fernie
- The Philosophy of Common Sense by Richard Gunn
- The Placebo Effect by Derek Howden
- The Plebs League in the NE of England 1908/1926 By Robert Turnbull B.A
- The Pornography of Benefits Street; Comments on Classificatory Struggles: Class, Culture and Inequality in Neoliberal Times by Prof Sarah Green
- The Production of Scarcity and Famine
- The Ragged State of Dyslexic Help in Manchester by Ian Forrester
- The Rise of Offshore Business
- The Role of the Exotic and Collusion with Nationalism by Sonia Soans
- The Social Science Centre by Gary Saunders
- The Story Of A Poacher: Bob Redwater Aged 16
- The Story of Winemaking by Andrea Fuhrmann
- The Study of the History of Languages
- The Viking Era by R. A. Cranwell
- Thermodynamics the Salford Way by Simon Ward
- Thinkers or Junkers? Germans in England 1860-1920 & Beyond by Anne Hill Fernie
- Thoughts on the Structure of Language
- Transformation Through Life Modelling With 'Girl in Suitcase' and 'Spirited Bodies' by Esther Bunting
- Transition: A Personal Account by Sarah Stewart
- Trees Not Trash has landed in Scotland! by Kate Gilliam
- Truly The Substance of Contentment by David Seagrave
- Twas The Rant Before Christmas… What Makes The COOCs Initiative Succeed Where Others Fail
- Universal Basic Income: A Crash Course
- Urban Fitness; It's A (Concrete) Jungle Out There
- Urban Fox: Memoirs of an Edinburgh Poacher by Bob Redwater
- Video: Anne Fernie Presents The Countercultural Imperative and The Origin of The Hippie
- Video: Memoirs Of A Poacher by Bob Redwater
- Wanted Languages: Dead or Alive
- War Crimes and Genocide in Gaza: Memorial and Public Statement by Scholars
- Welcome to the Ragged University By Adam Smyth
- What Are Futures and Derivatives
- What if Aristotle had a PC
- What Makes A Fair Society
- White Boy Dangerous: The Mythology That Surrounds White Male Violence by Sonia Soans
- Why Are So Many Workers Disengaged? by Fiona Savage
- Why Are We Here? By Adam Smyth
- Why Does Anyone Read Those Celebrity Magazines? by James Underwood
- Why Is Everyone Not A Demographic ?
- Why Not an Economy of Recycling? by Amelia Modrak
- Why The Naxi Buried Their Instruments by Makmed the Miller
Community and culture as the seat of learning
- 1001 Enterprising Scots: Iain Scott Interviews Alex Dunedin
- 2 Languages in 1 Brain by Antonella Sorace
- 321 Ignition* by Rick Hall
- A Choir Without Auditions
- A Community Vision For A Reuse And Repair Centre By Sophie Unwin
- About Something Different by Tim Prevett
- An Intelligent Way of Working: People Know How by Alex Dunedin
- Antonia Darder Invites you to Celebrate International Mayday
- Appeal From The Littoral Zone By Julia Barton
- Art Exhibition: Collective Amnesia by Aileen A Paton
- ArtSpace Bath Project by Penny Hay FRSA
- Asylum 30th Anniversary Conference: Crowdfunding For Community
- Asylum Magazine
- Bristol Free University by David Saunders
- Call For People Who Know About Depression: Tortoise In A Shell
- Charting The Rise of the Reluctant Innovator by Ken Banks
- Children’s University: Learning Beyond the Classroom by Mary Brittain
- City of Edinburgh Council: Allocate Space in Harrison Park For a Community Garden
- Collective Amnesia by Aileen A Paton
- Creative Corner Cafe
- Edinburgh Café Scientifique: Surprising Targets for Harmful Air Pollution Particles with Ken Donaldson
- Edinburgh FareShare Food Collection by Christopher Somerville
- Edinburgh Short Film Festival 2016: Call For Entries
- El Puente Research: Spanish Immigrants in Edinburgh; Situation and Needs
- Euan’s Guide by Kiki MacDonald
- Explore by Light by Tim Aikman
- Face Value by James Clegg
- Foodsharing Edinburgh
- Free University Brighton by Ali Ghanimi
- Fun: A New Prescription For Social Anxiety? by Martin Webber
- Happiness In Practice: A Presentation by Prof. Ray Miller
- Help Save the Western Capercaillie
- IF: This University Is Free by Jonny Mundey
- Inclusion Scotland press release: Scottish disabled people call for human rights to be met
- Introducing AfroFutures by Florence Okoye
- Investigating Attitudes Towards Aspects of Welfare Reform by Stephen McMurray
- Just Fest by Katherine Newbigging
- Leith Lives: The Country Within The Country
- Leith Walk Policebox Pop Up Space
- Mad People’s History by Steve Tilley
- Mad World: An Exhibition on Sane People in Insane Situations
- Making a Prison Film: Injustice by Unsound Robin
- Maurice MacLean and the Red Cross by Colin MacLean
- Nick Dixon and Annie Harrison talk about ExtInked tattoos
- Oor Mad History by Kirsten Maclean
- Participation Now and Open University
- People Know How and Ragged University Working Together
- Peoples Leith Heritage Centre Project by Sandra Marshall
- Personal Wealth by Julia Macintosh
- Place and Platform: Abi Lewis and Susannah Leake
- Ragged University and People Know How by Glenn Liddall
- Returning to the Lost Avant Garde Writers by Joseph Darlington
- Sonia Soans Invites You to a Call for Papers: Afro-Asian Critical Psychology Conference
- The Beltane Public Engagement Network by Sarah Anderson
- The Big Idea: Community Open Online Courses
- The Emporium of Dangerous Ideas: Shifting the Axis by Karen Lawson
- The Grassmarket Community Project by Reverend Richard Frazer
- The History of the RSA by Jamie Cooke
- The LGBT Basketball Group by Jules Barnes
- The Monthlies; Project Naked by Hannah Mackay Tait
- The Rise of Duddingston Festival by Steve Harvey
- The Social Science Centre by Gary Saunders
- The World Bank and Social Capital by Juan Guerra
- Trade School: Offering Learning Through Barter by Colin Hynson
- Transformation Through Life Modelling With 'Girl in Suitcase' and 'Spirited Bodies' by Esther Bunting
- Transition: A Personal Account by Sarah Stewart
- Trouble In Paradise: Happy Birthday Edinburgh Cyrenians 50 Year Celebration
- What Makes A Fair Society
- ‘Future Shock’: The Crisis of Relationships Between Body, Mind and Environment by Anne Fernie
- "Another stupid man, or, reasons why I do not engage with services" By John Sawkins
- 1980: Edinburgh Settlement; The Need For Psychiatric Day Centres
- 28th June 2017: Asylum Magazine 30th Anniversary Conference Party
- A Perspective on Depression by Cathy Frank
- A Word For The Social Model of Madness: Psychiatry and The Family
- Alicia Valdés, Ph.D.: Toward a Feminist Lacanian Left; Psychoanalytical Theory and Intersectional Politics
- Appeal To The Man On The Clapham Omnibus
- Are Psychiatric Drugs Doing More Harm Than Good? Kings College London Maudsley Annotated Debate
- Asylum 30th Anniversary Conference: Crowdfunding For Community
- Asylum Conference Action and Reaction: Bob Dylan needs Asylum help give him a home…
- Asylum Conference Poster: Call for the creation of a European Network for Democratic Mental Health
- Asylum Conference Poster: European Network for Democratic Mental Health; Argument of the meeting on the situation in Greece, Thessaloniki 05/25/2017
- Asylum Magazine
- Asylum: A Journey Through Madness and Back by Dina Poursanidou
- Brain Disorders: Journey Into The Endless Maze of the Mind by Nadège Druzkowski
- Can the Opioid System Offer a Unifying Framework for Addiction ?
- Critical Analysis of the Medical Institution With Special Focus on Madness
- Critical Reflections On Being A Researcher Service User by Dina Poursanidou
- Cult Behaviours: Avoiding Dissent – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Cult Behaviours: Compliance with the Group – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Cult Behaviours: Dependence on a Leader – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Cult Behaviours: Devaluing the Outsider – Reviewing Prof Arthur J. Deikman’s Work
- Culture Bound Syndromes: Contextualising and Historically Locating Mental Illness by Sonia Soans
- Diagnostic Overshadowing and Psychiatric Diagnoses
- Documentary Analysis: Challenging Conceptions of Drug Use and Promoting Mental Health through Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
- Drug Consumption Rooms: A Presentation by Fiona Gilbertson
- ECT Is Murder: The Historical and Political Roots of ECT and its Hold on Public Imagination By Sonia Soans
- Eighties Teenage Psychiatry For School Pressure: One Writer Squashed Another by Maurice Frank
- Emotion as Taboo: Emotion as Dissent
- Failure of Leadership Case Study: The Donkeys and For the Sake of Example
- Feelings and Emotions are an Essential Part of Our Everyday Experience So Why Do So Many Modern Therapies Try to Get Rid of so Called ‘Bad Feelings’ by Leon Paterson
- Film: Mad World Exhibition; The Asylum of Doctor Rosenhan
- From Notes About The Findings of Abraham Maslow and Manfred Max Neef on Needs by David Seagrave
- From one kind of social prescribing to another kind of social prescribing: a change in focus? by John Sawkins
- Giving Up The Smartphone and Gating Technology: Managing Information, Media and Technology
- Historical Source: Medication Into Submission; A Review of Mental Seduction and Menticide
- Human Rights and the Psychiatric Setting
- Implicit Bias, Dehumanisation and the Necessity for Legal Companions in Official Spaces
- Inspector Rosenhan Visits The Asylum
- Interview with John Sawkins: A Critical Voice in Psychiatry
- It’s a Very, Very Mad World… by Sonia Soans
- Mad People’s History by Steve Tilley
- Mad Studies: Setting the Tone
- Mad Studies: The Identitarian Problem
- Madness and Civilisation: David Cooper on Michel Foucault
- MadZines: a Ragged form of mental health knowledge?
- Media Headlines Concerning Mental Health Service Users In England By Dina Poursanidou
- Mental Illness: First Hand Experience by Joel White
- My Experiences of the Mental Health System by ‘N’
- Neurodiversity and Me: A Personal Context
- Notes on Hypothesis Making in Medicine: Opiates and Opioids as a Unifying Framework for Mental Illness
- On Antipsychiatry: Roy Bard Mental Health Campaigner
- On the Autism and Vaccine Debate Piece by Maurice Frank
- Oor Mad History by Kirsten Maclean
- Photo Collection: Mad World Exhibition 2017
- Podcast and Transcript: Reflections On Schizophrenia by Kenneth Wilson
- Podcast: Interview With Sonia Soans of Asylum Collective
- Podcast: Mad Studies at 2016 Lancaster Disabilities conference Introduced by Prof Peter Beresford and Dr Brigit McWade
- Podcast: Psychiatry; A Woman’s Account of Being Sectioned
- Podcast: Sara Ryan Keynote: What the fuckwhatery? Disability studies, activism and the continuing denial of the human
- Podcast: The History Of Asylum Magazine by Helen Spandler
- Prof Peter Beresford Introduces Studies in Mad Matters
- Profession by Isaac Asimov
- Psychiatry: An Interview With A Pharmacist
- Psychoanalysis And Science: Prof Christian Dunker And Prof Ian Parker Discuss
- Recovery is a long, windy (Guthrie) Street by Dan Jackson-Yang
- Recovery: A First Hand Perspective by Kerrie Walker
- Red Clinic Initiatives in Communities in Brazil
- Reflections On Schizophrenia Etc by Kenneth Wilson
- Reimagining Mental Health with Jill Anderson
- Relationships with families, carers and friends (others?) by John Sawkins
- Rowland Urey talks about Psychiatry: Philosopher And Your Friend In Recovery
- The City of Thieves: A Digest and Perversion of R. D. Laing
- The Differences Arise In Group Psychology
- The Holding Space by Julia Macintosh
- The Marketing Of Madness by Dina Poursanidou and Lou Rawcliffe
- What Every Woman Knows: Society By Gas Light
- White Boy Dangerous: The Mythology That Surrounds White Male Violence by Sonia Soans
- Women, Addiction and Nation by Sonia Soans
- A Choir Without Auditions
- Are Singer Songwriters Valued? by Katharina Turner
- Artist Development
- Darren Hendrie
- Edinburgh Fringe Live: Bad Habits are Alright Now
- Edinburgh Fringe Live: Interview with Daniel Scott
- Edinburgh Fringe Live: Watch Today’s Live Stream Here
- Edinburgh Fringe Live: What’s Been Happening?
- Education of Music by Dan Zambas
- Harmonisation: A Theory by Dan Zambas
- Music Management
- Music: Collar Up
- Music: Combo Combo
- Music: Daniel Scott
- Music: Electrobuddha
- Music: Henry Ibbs Band
- Music: Houndog Fraser & Rock Hunter
- Music: I could never do that… By Daniel Zambas
- Music: Jatin Puri
- Music: Joolz
- Music: Makmed the Miller
- Music: Minu Puri
- Music: NASOV
- Music: Pat Dennis
- Music: Paul Montague
- Music: Simply Soweto Encha
- Music: Stolen From A Crow
- Music: Sukh
- Music: The Bluesbrokers
- Music: The Broken Boy
- Music: The Story So Far
- Music: Three Days From Retirement
- Music: Under The Dogwood Tree
- Music: We Are Kin
- NASOV You, Me, Seagulls and the Sea
- Philosophy and Music by Dan Zambas
- Podcast: Broken Boy
- Podcast: Music In India; Music In Me By Jatin Puri
- Popular Culture and Music by Dan Zambas
- Popular Music by Dan Zambas
- Putting Ragged Music Into Action
- Ragged Music: Edinburgh Fringe Festival August 2011
- Ragged University Collaboration with Edinburgh Fringe Live
- Stolen From A Crow by Crispin Case-Leng
- The Ethos Of Ragged Music
- The Importance of Music Within Society by Daniel Zambas
- The Origin of Ragged Music by Dan Zambas
- Understanding Music Piracy: A Consideration of Research Methodology by Dr Steven Caldwell Brown
- What is Music? by Dan Zambas
The real life events and people sharing what they know
- Contributor: Amber Phillips
- Coordinator: Carrie Westwater
- Coordinator: Dan Zambas
- Coordinator: David Hughes
- Coordinator: Gary Boast
- Coordinator: Grant Crozier
- Coordinator: Will Bentinck
- Contributor: Amber Phillips
- Contributor: Chris Behr
- Contributor: George Fyvie
- Contributor: Graeme Sturrock of Edinburgh Computer Repairs
- Edinburgh: Brassmonkey
- Edinburgh: The Blind Poet
- Edinburgh: The Counting House
- Edinburgh: The Meadow Bar
- Edinburgh: The Pear Tree House
- London: Palatine Bar
- Manchester: The Castle Hotel
- Manchester: TV21
- 10th Apr 2014: Schizophrenia; Reflections by an Insider by Kenneth Wilson
- 10th Apr 2014: Why Don't People Vote? By Helena Catt
- 10th April 2018: Psychology and Behavioural Modelling Meetup: Psychological Phenomena; The Experiential Dimensions of Mind, Body and Spirit by Leon Paterson
- 10th August 2011: Future Sleep; The Nocturnal Fast, Cerebral Energy and the Honey/Insulin/Melatonin (HYMN) Cycle by Mike McInnes
- 10th July 2014: A Different Kind Of Humanity by Ciaran Healy
- 10th July 2014: Participation, Motivation and Adult Learning… by Ellen Boeren
- 10th July 2018: Autism; The Plot Against Consciousness, Cognition and Language by Mike McInnes
- 10th Oct 2015: Daddy's Daughters and Sons; Perspectives on Male Factor Infertility Treatments and Trends by Dr Ruby Raheem
- 11 Dec 2011: Alexander of Macedon: an exercise in perspective by Warwick Ball
- 11th April 2013: Brewing redux; centuries of brewing art and science in 45minutes by Andrew Barnett aka Barney
- 11th August 2011: Scotland's Census 2011; The Cyber Pathway to the Killing Fields by Tom Muirhead
- 11th Feb 2016: Nineteenth-Century Science, Medicine, and Monsters by Jessica Roberts
- 11th June 2015: Making Manchester a Centre of Excellence for Dyslexia by Roger Broadbent
- 11th May 2011: Cottonopolis; Building the first industrial city by Ken Moth
- 11th May 2011: Into the Vortex: when Western Medicine met Divine Healing by Zahra Patel
- 11th Oct 2012: Why did the financial crisis happen? (and what to do about it) by Ben Stollery and Fran Boait
- 11th October 2012: Setting up a Technology Business by Dr Tim Willis
- 11th Sept 2014: 'How Accents Work' By Lauren Hall-Lew
- 11th Sept 2014: A Different Kind Of Revolution by Ciaran Healy
- 11th Sept 2018: Spinoza’s Spectacles: Philosophy, Science and the Dutch Masters by Josef Darlington
- 11th Sept 2018: Thinkers or Junkers? Germans in England 1860-1915 by Anne Hill Fernie
- 12th Aug 2014: ‘Plebs’; The Ruskin College ‘Strike’ of 1909 by Colin Waugh
- 12th Aug 2014: The Plebs League in the North East of England 1908/1926 by Robert Clive Turnbull
- 12th August 2011: The Great Human Rights Swindle by Tom Muirhead
- 12th June 2014: Enemies, Friends and Lovers; The Social Psychology of Relationships by Prof Ray Miller
- 12th June 2014: Strange Terrain Part One; On A New Understanding Of The Nature Of Human Beings by Ciaran Healy
- 12th June 2018: Climate Change and the Need to Change Behaviour in the West by Prof Kevin Anderson; Screening and Discussion
- 12th Nov 2017: Film Screening of Poppies For Peace Films For Freedom by Simon Byrom
- 12th Sept 2013: Digital Culture, Mindfulness and Existential Threat by Nadine Andrews
- 12th Sept 2013: The Networked World And The Individual… by Steve McIndoe
- 13th April 2011: Growing into sound by Charlie Mydlarz
- 13th April 2011: Keeping Urban Bees by Chris Guthrie
- 13th March 2014: The Ancient Art of Dreamwhispering by Geoff Baines
- 13th March 2014: The Science of Food Additives and Behaviour by Alex Dunedin
- 13th Nov 2014: 3D Printing; No-hype, Promise, Just Extraordinary Art and Design by Ann Marie Shillito
- 13th Nov 2014: 3D Printing; No-hype, Promise, Just Extraordinary Art and Design! by Ann Marie Shillito
- 13th Nov 2014: Cerebral Diabetes and the Reversal of the Flynn Effect by Mike McInnes
- 13th Oct 2015: What Is A Fair Scotland ? Workshops by Glenn Liddal and Alex Dunedin
- 13th Oct 2016: Enjoying the Scenery; Slow Education and the Slow Movement in a Fast World by Joe Harrison Greaves
- 13th Oct 2016: Treasures in phone boxes; street games and play in the city by Jana Wendler
- 14th August 2011: Right to a Fair Trial Part 1; ‘The Painted Bird’ by Tom Muirhead
- 14th Dec 2010: Greek Myth by Heather Rae and Ayurveda by Diana Kras
- 14th Feb 2020: Visit, Listen, Learn, Write – Disrupt? Peterloo and Protest
- 14th March 2018: Mood Hacker – Feelings, Emotions and Moods (what are they, how do they work, and how you can manage them better) by Leon Paterson
- 14th Sept 2011: One brain, two language, many advantages by Antonella Sorace
- 14th Sept 2011: Sales Makes the world go round. Errr doesn't it? by Tim Dew
- 14th Sept 2017: From the Problems of Our Nature, to The Nature of our Problems by Rowland Urey
- 15th Nov 2012: Manchester; Nature and museums by Henry McGhie and Manchester History by Dominique Tessier; Music by Kinaesthetic; 7 to 10pm at The Castle Hotel
- 15th Oct 2015: The Arrogance and the Empathy; An Everyday Introduction to Non-Judgmental Language by Julian Edge
- 15th Oct 2015: Thermodynamics; The Laws the History and How it Shaped Cottonopolis by Simon Ward
- 16th August 2011: What do you get when you cross The Mcdonaldization of society, the Slow movement and the Industrial food system? by Adam Smyth
- 16th Jan 2020: The Extended Mind talk and tour at Talbot Rice Gallery by James Clegg
- 16th March: Language learning in children and adults; A day with Antonella Sorace
- 16th Nov 2017: Objects, Perception and Communication by Mark Johnson
- 16th Oct 2014: Exploring the Dream of the Earth; My First Person Inquiry by Helena Kettleborough
- 16th Oct 2014: The Ragged Schools of Angel Meadow by Simon Ward
- 17th August 2012: Makmed the Miller presents The Grief of Isis
- 17th August 2013: Food; Speculation, Accumulation and Starvation by Alex Dunedin
- 17th August 2016: Face Value by James Clegg
- 18th Aug 2015: A World To Win; Learning From The Past, Making The Future by Keith Venables
- 18th Aug 2015: Singing the Law and Riding the City: The Rule of Genghis Khan by Donald Carrick
- 18th August 2011: The Poetry Of W.S. Graham; Knocking From The Other Side Of The Page by David Greig
- 18th July 2018: An Evening In Dialogue with Prof Antonia Darder Exploring Critical Pedagogy
- 18th Oct 2022: Here be Dragons; Mapping Utopian Spaces in FE by Joel Petrie
- 19th April 2023: Assisted Dying with Lin Li and Tina Röck
- 19th August 2011: 'Robert Burns: Shortbread Tin Icon, or Radical Subversive?' by Kevin Williamson
- 19th Feb 2013: Manchester's De-Industrial Food Revolution by Jules Bagnoli
- 19th Feb 2013: Wangari Maathai; some lessons for a Steady State Manchester by Judith Emanuel
- 19th Feb 2015: Education and The Permanent Revolution of Reform; A Journey to the Dark Side by Dave Hall
- 19th Feb 2015: International Waste Management in 2015 and Beyond; Crisis and Opportunity by David Brown
- 19th June 2014: Fostering Vandalism of the Earth or Stewardship? Towards Education for Sustainability by Susan Brown
- 19th June 2014: Give And Ye Shall Receive by Joel White
- 1st Dec 2016: Get Together For Lunch to Discuss What it is Exhibitions Can Do with James Clegg
- 1st June 2011 Sleep and The Exercise Theory of Relativity by Mike McInnes
- 1st June 2011 The Long Tail and the Scottish Short Films
- 1st June 2016: Above Us, The Sky; A Documentary by Lin Li
- 1st June 2016: Lost Horizon or Living Landscape? Place, Time and People in Gaelic Scotland by Virginia Blankenhorn
- 1st Nov 2015: Not The Mafia You Know by Amber Phillips
- 1st Nov 2015: The Effect Of The Internet On Dating In The 21st Century By Ian Forrester
- 2 Languages in 1 Brain by Antonella Sorace
- 20th April 2015: The British Experimental Novelists of the 1960s; A Forgotten Avant Garde by Joseph Darlington
- 20th April 2015: The Countercultural Imperative; From Lebensreform to the Kibbo Kift (1890-1930) by Anne Fernie
- 20th Oct 2011: Deacon Brodie; The Wretch of Today May Be Happy Tomorrow by Jen McGregor
- 20th Oct 2011: Robert Louis Stevenson & the Pirates by Dr Eric J Graham
- 21st April 2016: Cinema, Women, Drugs and Nationalism in India by Sonia Soans
- 21st April 2016: Stress and Emotional Resilience by Joel White
- 21st Aug 2011: The Consciousness of the Long Distance Runner; The Exercise Theory of Relativity by Mike McInnes
- 21st July 2018: The Art of Argumentation: Philosophy, Reason and the Universe; The Mind and the World by Tina Röck
- 21st Oct 2018: The Art of Argumentation: Philosophy, Reason and the Universe; The Mind and the World Part II – Phenomenology by Tina Röck
- 22nd June 2017: Improvised Fiction meets research: Creative and pioneering ethnographic filmmaker Jean Rouch’s lasting legacy by John Morrison
- 22nd June 2017: The Importance of Being Smelly by Mairi MacLeod
- 23rd Aug 2011: Striptease in Scotland: Tits, Tassles and Ten Pound Notes by Gypsy Charms
- 23rd Feb 2017: Film Screening of ‘I Daniel Blake’ followed by Mike Cormack discussing of benefits sanctions
- 23rd Feb 2017: Welfare Cuts and Sanctions by Mike Cormack
- 24th Nov 2016: Curators Tour of Rob Kennedy’s ‘acts of dis play’ followed by social chat
- 24th Nov 2016: Get Together For Lunch to Discuss What it is Exhibitions Can Do with Rob Kennedy
- 24th Sept 2015: Evolving for Girls by Doreen Soutar
- 24th Sept 2015: Power, People and Process; How We Make Decisions About What We Want For The City And Its Communities by Ewan Aitken
- 25th Aug 2011: Memoirs of an Edinburgh Poacher by Bob Redwater
- 25th June 2015: International Carbon Conscious Bicycle Powered Pedalling Adventures! by Simon Byrom
- 25th June 2015: Temüjin Rising; How a Slave Would Change World History by Donald Carrick
- 26th April 2012: Alcohol and the Brain Drain by Mike McInnes
- 26th April 2012: The Chemistry of Alcohol or How to Remember Not to Forget by Alex Dunedin
- 26th April 2012: The Post Industrialisation of Beer or How Pale Ale Became Cool by Andrew Barnett
- 26th April 2016: Terence Sawyers presents About Film; Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)
- 26th April 2018: The Post Modern Doctorate – Short Presentation and Discussion by Alex Dunedin
- 26th Aug 2011: Music in India; Music in Me by Jatin Puri
- 26th Jan 2017: Myths of Attraction by Mairi Macleod
- 26th July 2016: Terence Sawyers presents About Film; The Producers and Fraser Allan
- 26th July Cannabis and the Munchies by Mike McInnes
- 26th June 2017: Manchester Sound(s); Silent Notes From the Past by Dominique Tessier
- 26th June 2017: The Psychology of Dehumanization by Alex Dunedin
- 26th March 2019: Philosophy and Truth by Tina Röck
- 26th Nov 2015: I’m not a designer. Am I? by Jamie Cooke
- 26th Nov 2015: Multiple Sclerosis; Scotland’s Disease by Alex Dunedin
- 26th Oct 2018: Visit, Listen, Think, Discuss, Write; The Inner Level – Author talk with Profs Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett
- 27th April 2017: Adventures in Transformation; Becoming Conscious of Your Unconscious by Lester Smulski
- 27th Feb 2020: The Colonisation of Economics and the Reduction of Everything to Finance
- 27th July 2017: The D-word; opening up conversations about death and dying by Danuta Orlowska
- 27th June 2018: Psychology and Behavioural Modelling Meetup; Self Activation and Flow by Leon Paterson
- 27th May 2013: A Walk Through Colinton Dell by Alex Dunedin
- 27th Sept 2016: Terence Sawyers Presents Films and Discussion; The Music Box (1932) and La Jetée (1962)
- 27th Sept 2018: Resilience to Succeed; A Highly Interactive Approach to Restoring, Recovering and Overcoming by Leon Paterson
- 27th Sept 2023: How I built a house, by hand, solo, with no building experience by ‘Micro House’
- 28th Aug 2011: Banana Me Beautiful by Emily Dodd
- 28th June 2016: About Film Screens Punishment Park by Peter Watkins followed by Realist Film Theory Discussion
- 28th June 2017: Asylum Magazine 30th Anniversary Conference Party
- 28th May 2015: Fostering Vandalism of the Earth or Stewardship? Towards Education for Sustainability by Susan Brown
- 28th May 2015: News from the littoral Zone By Julia Barton
- 29th June 2015: Development With Dignity and The Limits of Growth by Shahid Khan
- 29th Mar 2016: Terence Sawyers presents About Film; Vertigo (1958)
- 29th March 2018: Psychology and Behaviour Modelling Meetup by Leon Paterson
- 29th Nov 2012: Greening Up Your City by Kate Gilliam
- 29th Nov 2012: Unravelling Humpback Whale Behaviour by Dr Alison Craig
- 29th Nov 2018: Mind Management Workshop; Learn and Explore the Realistic Benefits of Mindfulness, Meditation and Self Hypnosis for Managing Your Mind by Leon Paterson
- 29th Oct 2015: A Memory of Blood; Livestreaming and the Fall of the Mongolian Empire by Donald Carrick
- 29th Oct 2015: Why Should One See Oneself ‘With The Eyes of Other People?’? Adam Smith and the Human Condition by Richard Gunn
- 29th Oct 2016: Ragged University; Visit, Listen, Discuss, Write
- 29th Sept 2016: HOMO PASSIENS: Man the Footballer by Mike McInnes
- 29th Sept 2016: Mad Studies; The Emergence of a New Field of Knowledge by Alex Dunedin
- 29th Sept 2018: Field Visit to St. Columba’s Hospice on Edinburgh Doors Open Day by Danuta Orlowska
- 29th Sept: Mad World; Repeat Prescription Art Exhibition Opening
- 2nd March 2011: Discovering Card Magic by Geoff Tibbs
- 2nd March 2011: Right Handed; Living with Syndactyly by Stephen Bell
- 2nd May 2013: Exploring Science and the Natural World Through Exhibitions of Craft and Design by Rowie Hamilton
- 2nd May 2013: Gamified Educational E-tivities? by Karenne Sylvester
- 30th Apr 2015: Syndicalism; An International and Historical Perspective by Derek Keenan
- 30th Apr 2015: The Meanings of the Chakras & How They Affect Your Health by Richard Barriball
- 30th April 2018: James Clegg Talks Art; Lunch at Talbot Rice Gallery
- 30th July 2015: An Ancient Syrian All-girl Band; the Maryamin Mosaic and its Implications by Warwick Ball
- 30th July 2015: We Control You; The Psychology of Obedience and Authority By Prof Ray Miller
- 30th June 2013: Nepal; My Cultural Story by Shane Harte
- 31st May 2016: Terence Sawyers presents About Film; Buster Keaton’s Sherlock Jr plus Un Chien Andalou
- 3rd August 2011: Maggie Kang Doing Business between UK and China
- 3rd August 2011: Social Capital; Fancy words for working together by Alex Dunedin
- 3rd May 2018: The Art of Argumentation: Philosophy, Reason and the Universe Series with Tina Röck; Why do philosophy, if you can do science?
- 3rd Oct 2013: What is systems thinking? by Fiona Savage
- 4th April 2013: Barefoot in the Head; How the way we think, feel and behave produces mental and physical health by Prof Ray Miller
- 4th April 2013: How We Grow; My Life, My Garden by Nim Kibbler
- 4th August 2011: Lets Talk About Population Baby! By Brian Chrystal
- 4th Dec 2014: One Brain, Two Languages; Bringing Up a Bilingual Child by Madeleine Beveridge
- 4th December 2014: Dyslexia; What It Is And How It Has Affected Me by Alex Dunedin
- 4th July 2013: The Incredible Shrinking Brain by Mike McInnes
- 4th July 2016: International Carbon Conscious Bicycle Powered Pedalling Adventures; Part 2! by Simon Byrom
- 4th July 2016: Loving Yourself Inside & Out by Faith Canter
- 4th May 2016: Myths of Popular Psychology by Professor Ray Miller
- 4th May 2016: What is Condensed Matter Physics ? By Gino Jabbar
- 5th August 2011: The Anorexic Brain and Why Obese Westerners are Starving by Mike McInnes
- 5th Dec 2013: Beyond Words; From Music To Cinema, An Interactive Story by Julien Pearly
- 5th Dec 2013: Who Is Helping Survivors Of Sexual Violence? by Anne Byrne
- 5th Sept 2013: Mad knowledge, difficult knowledge… by Dina Poursanidou
- 5th Sept 2013: The Power of the Elder by Eli Anderson
- 6th April 2016: Performance on Grand Piano by Sam Makin
- 6th August 2011: Psychology of Vocal Performance by Dr Denise Borland
- 6th Dec 2018: Tremble Tremble and At the Gates; Tour and Discussion by James Clegg
- 6th Feb 2014: A History of Manchester as Seen in its Historic Buildings by Ken Moth
- 6th Feb 2014: COOCs and the Rhizome; A World Where Everyone Is A Teacher And Knowledge Is Up To You by Peter Shukie
- 6th July 2011: Let's talk about sex baby; Sexual communication explored through survey results by Fiona McQueen
- 6th July 2011: Striptease in Scotland; Tits, Tassles and Ten Pound Notes by Dr Sarah Vernon
- 6th June 2013: Basics of Computer Programming but No Actual Code! by Dr Tim Willis
- 6th June 2013: We don’t need no Educashun; The brain as a learning machine by Prof Ray Miller
- 7th August 2011: A Short History of Skiing in Scotland by Patrick D. Whelan
- 7th December 2015: Music by Sukh
- 7th Feb 2013: How do children learn two languages? by Prof Antonella Sorace
- 7th Feb 2013: What has Psychology ever done for us? by Prof Ray Miller
- 7th July 2011: My Fascination with Chords by Dan Zambas
- 7th July 2011: Prehistoric and Roman Roads of North Wales by Tim Prevett
- 7th March 2013: Introduction to Linguistics & Phonetics by Dr Tim Willis
- 7th March 2013: Life by Chocolate; An Adventure Into Cacao By Ali Gower
- 7th Nov 2013: Noumenal Contouring; The Secret Of Science, The Secret Of Skill by Ciaran Healy
- 7th Nov 2013: To sleep, perchance to dream: 30 years in the land of Morpheus by Prof Ray Miller
- 7th Nov 2015: Cattle Yarn and Horse Tale; History and Industry of Artificial Insemination by Dr Ruby Raheem
- 8th Dec 2016: Get Together For Lunch to Discuss What it is Exhibitions Can Do with Artist Rob Kennedy and Curator James Clegg
- 8th May 2014: The Placebo Effect by Derek Howden
- 8th May 2014: Urban Fox; Memoirs of an Edinburgh Poacher by Bob Redwater
- 8th May 2018: Psychology and Behavioural Modelling Meetup; Perception for Self Effectiveness by Leon Paterson
- 9th Feb 2020: Annual General Questions and a Walk and Talk
- 9th June 2016: A Critical Examination of Self by Donna Peach
- 9th June 2016: Riding Through History by Ursula Harries
- 9th Mar 2012: Forum Theatre by David Roberts
- 9th Mar 2012: Tackling Internal Oppression by Emily Steedman
- 9th March 2012 David Turner: The Arms Trade; The Winners and Losers
- 9th May 2013: Plant Now, Ask Questions Later by Kate Gilliam
- 9th May 2013: The Slave's Lament; Robert Burns, Scotland & Empire by Kevin Williamson
- 9th Nov 2016: Visit, Listen, Discuss, Write – Dealing With Each Other In The Spirit of Ubuntu
- 9th Oct 2014: Welcome to the Mid-life Revolution by Andy Ferguson
- April 11th 2013: From Moonshine to Masters and the distillation of beer by Cory Mason
- Are We All Going Mad? Changing Approaches to Mental Health by Prof Ray Miller
- Bees and Honey by Gino Jabbar
- Betting on Famine; Why The World Still Goes Hungry
- Butterfly Kisses from the Hunchback (whilst driving on the M6) by Craig Hammond
- Carl Rosa; The Entrepreneur Who Made Opera Popular: or From ‘Juvenile Paganini’ to Operatic Entrepreneur by Iain Fraser
- Civil War; Ranters, Quakers and Revolution by Richard Gunn
- Class and Dispossession; The Lowland and Highland Clearances by Alex Dunedin
- Confessions of an FE Lecturer; What Happened to the Community? From Further Education to Factory by Nina Doran
- DADA and the Drum Kit by Aiden Pilling
- Discussion of M.E. with Knowledgeable Patient Elizabeth Moncrieff following Film Screening of Unrest
- Film Screening of ‘European voices in Edinburgh’ Followed by Discussion by Lin Li
- Food Additives – How to tell which ones are toxic by Alex Dunedin
- Freedom in the Fridge by Sara Louise Dobson
- From intellectual stimulating to intellectual ‘streamlining’ – Rhetoric of Innovating Higher Education by Bing Wu Berberich
- Historical Document: Glasgow Ragged University
- Home Wine Making by Andrea Fuhrmann
- How and why did a religious country like Scotland in 17th and 18th centuries, get involved in slavery and how was it eventually ended? by Kate Phillips
- How Creativity, Exercise and Nutrition can help to Better Manage Mental Health Conditions by Louise Lord
- How, as an environmentalist, I got involved in solidarity with the Palestinians by Eurig Scandrett
- Human Library – Challenge your prejudices by Helen Harvey
- Interconnected Earth by James Clegg
- James Clegg Talks About The Art Exhibition ‘Trading Zone’
- June 11th: Slow TV; Its Story and Its Surprises by Tim Prevett
- Let’s Talk about Identities, Choices and Freedom by Anne Pia
- Lets Talk About Population Baby! by Brian Chrystal
- Lions Led by Donkeys – The Catastrophic Failures of WW1 British High Command; A Memorial to Commemorate Those Lost at the Battle of Loos
- Loneliness and Social Isolation
- Medical Imaging Physics; Seeing Beyond the Skin by Tommy McMullan
- Music, Mathematics and the Harmony of the Spheres by Hugh Peters
- Oct 3rd 2013: Aye, Minister (what civil servants really do) by Colin MacLean
- Oct 9th 2014: Slow Leadership; Reframing Your Leadership Behaviour by Don Ledingham
- Philosophy of Science: How we know what we think we know by Alex Dunedin
- Podcast: Happiness Revisited; Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishments by Prof. Ray Miller
- Podcast: Multilingualism; An Investment For A Better Society by Prof Antonella Sorace
- Podcast: News Stories and Popular Fiction by Julian Edge
- Podcast: Universities as Anchor Institutes; University of Manchester and Brunswick Estate, A Socially Just Model? by Dr Carl Emery
- Poppies for Peace, Films for Freedom! by Simon Byrom
- Prison and Dehumanisation; Film Screening and Talks on Crime, Prison and Us
- Psychiatry, Human Rights and Social Contagion by Alex Dunedin
- Ragged at the Fringe Festival 2011
- Romantic Radicals & Intellectual Barbarians; John Hargrave, the KibboKift & Beyond by Anne Fernie
- Scottish Common Sense Philosophy and its Implications by Richard Gunn
- Screening and Discussion; The East India Company and the Origins of the Modern Corporation
- Teachers in Bangladesh; Ways of Seeing and Expressing Reality by Taslima Ivy
- The Arms Trade: The Winners and Losers by David Turner
- The Art of Not-Knowing by James Clegg
- The Free Project; Opening Doors To Freedom by Emma Hammond
- The Green Man, The Work of Lucy Skaer by James Clegg
- The History of the RSA by Jamie Cooke
- The Philosophy of Mutual Recognition by Richard Gunn
- The Problematic Links Between Technology Use in Learning and Sustainability: Views From An Educator
- The Scottish Highland and Lowland Clearances; When sheep became more profitable than people
- What is Feminism ? by Brigitte Lechner
- Why a Bilingual is not the Sum of two Monolinguals (and, by the way, do real Monolinguals still exist?) by Prof Antonella Sorace
- Your Brain Through Your Ages; Stages of Cognitive Development by Prof Ray Miller
And just think, all this happened without money involved !