War Crimes and Genocide in Gaza: Memorial and Public Statement by Scholars

The terrible and inhumane attack initiated by Hamas has triggered a massive and disproportionate response by Israeli armed forces on the peoples of Gaza.  As a result what has emerged is a situation where the Palestinian civilian peoples are being collectively punished.  This article highlights the memorial to these deaths held at the University of Edinburgh along with some of the geopolitical and international law perspectives on the terrible and inhumane atrocities taking place. Read more…

The Premiere of the Film ‘Workers’: A Panel Discussion on Sex Workers Rights

This is a podcast of the film premiere of the film Workers co-authored by Swedish artist and filmmaker Petra Bauer with sex worker led organisation SCOT-PEP (https://outset.org.uk/supported-proje…). It holds in it a recording of the panel discussing the issues which sex workers experience and face in their lives. SCOT PEP is a sex worker-led charity that advocates for the safety, rights and health of everyone who sells sex in Scotland: https://scot-pep.org.uk/

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Employment Support Allowance: Over 100,000 Claims Closed Following Death of Claimants

Employment and Support Allowance is a financial premium for people who have limited capability for work because of their sickness or disability given to make sure that individuals can live a sufficient standard of life.  It is an income-replacement benefit paid in place of wages or an income which would allow them to do the most fundamental day to day things. Read more…

Disaster Capitalism and War on Drugs: An Interview With Antony Loewenstein and Q+A Session at Recovering Justice

A key aim of Antony Loewenstein’s book and film ‘Disaster Capitalism’ is to examine and reveal the dark and manipulative sides of aid as something which is used to extract profit from misery and disaster.  This article covers an interview with Antony as he did a film screening followed by questions and answers at Recovering Justice in Newcastle.  Disaster capitalism is about how economies have risen out of exploiting war, the criminalisation of populations, illness, natural disaster, and vulnerabilities across the world and on our own doorstep. Read more…

Welfare Reforms and United Nations Report: Grave and Systematic Violations of Human Rights by UK Government

This is a video of the Inclusion Scotland launching their alternative report on the ‘Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Great Britain.  This work has been led by Inclusion Scotland, Disability Rights UK and Disability Wales gathering together information and evidence to be presented at the United Nations council in Geneva. Read more…

One Day Without Us Edinburgh: A Celebration of Migrants and Standing up to Xenophobia

Concerned with some of the messages which I have encountered recently which are xenophobic and racist I found myself going along to the event staged on the mound to see and hear other people who felt strongly about some of the nasty rhetoric which is on the rise regarding migrants. I suspect it is connected with the insecurities which people are feeling in the general day to day lives of so many who live financially precarious existences and are also confronted with such a lot of media which is frankly poisonous. Read more…