Ragged University is inspired by common histories of free education, in particular those of the Ragged Schools. Here you can find various accounts of these histories…
List of Articles:
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Industrial Schools For The Destitute, Aberdeen By Mr. Sheriff Watson
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Intelligence
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Plans and Progress – Hints to Teachers
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Ragged School Memorials: The Old Stable. No. II
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Power of Pence
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Ragged School Teacher’s Appeal to all Classes
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Ragged School Union: Its Principles And Mode Of Operation
- 1850: The Ragged School Union Magazine Address
- Adam Smith by Richard Gunn
- Dek Keenan: Radical Adult Education in Scotland – Looking back
- Doctor Thomas Barnardo and the Ragged Schools
- Dr Jim Crowther: Looking back
- Dr Sharon Clancy: On Adult Education and the 1919 Report
- Dr. John Henrik Clarke: Black History as the Lost Pages of Human History
- Education History: A Brief History of Ragged Schools
- Education History: The American Chautauqua Education Movement
- Educational History: Al Ghazzali 1058 to 1111 CE
- Educational History: Andrew Bell 1753 to 1832
- Educational History: Confucius aka K’ung-fu-tzu 551 to 479 BCE
- Educational History: Desiderius Erasmus (Gerrit Gerritszoon) 1455 to 1536
- Educational History: Don Lorenzo Milani 1923 to 1967
- Educational History: Dr William Edward Burghardt Du Bois 1868 to 1963
- Educational History: Emile Durkheim 1858 to 1917
- Educational History: Gramsci and Independent Working Class Education by Colin Waugh
- Educational History: Grant Wood; Revolt Against the City 1891 to 1942
- Educational History: Ivan Illich and Deinstitutionalisation
- Educational History: Janusz Korczak 1878 to 1942
- Educational History: John Pounds and the Ragged Schools
- Educational History: Marc Bloch and the Historians Craft
- Educational History: Maria Montessori 1870 to 1952
- Educational History: Mary Wollstonecraft 1759 to 1797
- Educational History: Montesquieu and Relativism 1689 to 1755
- Educational History: Rabindranath Tagore 1861 to 1941
- Educational History: Socrates
- Educational History: The Democratic Intellect; Scotland’s Pedagogical Tradition
- Educational History: The Edinburgh Settlement
- Educational History: The Hedge Schools of Ireland
- Educational History: Thomas Guthrie and the Ragged Schools
- Educational History: Thomas Henry Huxley 1825 to 1895
- Experiments in Education: The Possibility of the 19th Century Auditor Today
- Great Educator: Leo Tolstoy 1828 to 1910
- Interview With An Educator: Colin Kirkwood
- John Player and Joyce Nicholson: Looking Forward; The Recovery Movement and Adult Education
- Manchester Medical Mission Affiliates to Charter Street Ragged School by Simon Ward
- Origins Of The Ragged Schools: John Pounds, The Kind Old Cobbler by D. H. Webster
- Ragged Schools and Ragged Scholars: Sunday Schools – Thomas Cranfield – John Pounds – the City Mission – Ragged Schools
- Ragged Schools History: The Children; The Poorest of the Poor
- Ragged Schools: Growth and Expansion, 1850-1860 by D. H. webster
- Ragged Schools: The School Day
- Recollections of John Pounds: Looking into John Pounds Shop by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: New Years Eve by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Sarah McEwan: Looking forward
- Scotland’s Intellectual Heritage: The Democratic Intellect – Richard Gunn and Murdo MacDonald
- The Benefits of the Ragged Schools Movement
- The Burston Strike School 1914 – 1939
- The Children’s Sheriff and the First Industrial Ragged Schools by D. H. Webster
- The History of Adult Learning Project in Edinburgh: A Freirean Approach
- The History of Ragged Schools in Angel Meadow and Manchester
- The Influence of the Sunday Schools on the Ragged School Movement by D. H. Webster
- The London Ragged School Union by D. H. Webster
- The Missing Story of Mary Burns and Fred: Silences in the Story of History
- The Peer Led Teaching of the Ragged Schools
- The Ragged School Movement and the Education of the Poor in the Nineteenth Century
- The Ragged Schools: Beginnings
- Wendy Burton: Trade Union Education (Looking forward)
- Working Men’s Clubs and Education by Dr Ruth Cherrington
- Working Mens Clubs and Education: Into the 20th Century by Ruth Cherrington
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Industrial Schools For The Destitute, Aberdeen By Mr. Sheriff Watson
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Intelligence
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Plans and Progress – Hints to Teachers
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; Ragged School Memorials: The Old Stable. No. II
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Power of Pence
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Ragged School Teacher’s Appeal to all Classes
- 1849 February: Ragged School Union Magazine; The Ragged School Union: Its Principles And Mode Of Operation
- 1850: The Ragged School Union Magazine Address
- Doctor Thomas Barnardo and the Ragged Schools
- Origins Of The Ragged Schools: John Pounds, The Kind Old Cobbler by D. H. Webster
- Ragged Schools and Ragged Scholars: Sunday Schools – Thomas Cranfield – John Pounds – the City Mission – Ragged Schools
- Ragged Schools History: The Children; The Poorest of the Poor
- Ragged Schools: Growth and Expansion, 1850-1860 by D. H. webster
- Ragged Schools: The School Day
- The Benefits of the Ragged Schools Movement
- The Children’s Sheriff and the First Industrial Ragged Schools by D. H. Webster
- The Influence of the Sunday Schools on the Ragged School Movement by D. H. Webster
- The London Ragged School Union by D. H. Webster
- The Ragged School Movement and the Education of the Poor in the Nineteenth Century
- The Ragged Schools: Beginnings
- Recollections of John Pounds: A Ramble to Portsdown Hill by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Continuing my Tour of Portsmouth by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Feeding the Children by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Feeding the Sick and Poor by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Have you met the Old Cobbler ? By Rev’d Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: I meet John Pounds by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: I visit the Nephew by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: John Pounds Funeral by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: John Pounds goes to Chapel by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: John Pounds teaches the Children by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Johnny Makes Arrangements by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Let’s give John Pounds a Gift by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Meeting Mr. Lemon by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: My Introduction to Portsmouth By Rev’d Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: New Years Day by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: New Years Eve by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: Polly by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: The Children go to Southsea Common by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: The New Sunday School by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: The Painting by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: The Sunday Evening Service by Reverend Henry Hawkes
- Recollections of John Pounds: When Mr. Lemmon went on a School Ramble by Reverend Henry Hawkes