Prof Fergus McNeill: Annotated Study of Crime and Punishment

This was developed as a ‘learning artifact’ as a part of a documentary method of using multimedia as curriculum. Following the auditor experiment with Drew Whitworth I started to use the audio recording as a tool for capturing a lesson and developing a researched learning resource for the world wide web. This has been made particularly easy by people like Fergus and Drew who are interested in sharing their knowledge.

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Failure of Leadership Case Study: The Donkeys and For the Sake of Example

This is an article which explores catastrophic failures of leadership and error in the history of the armed forces.  I draw together verbatim quotations from Alan Clark’s book ‘The Donkeys’, and Anthony Babington’s ‘Capital Courts Martial 1914-18, The Truth’.  Alan Clark was a British Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) and Anthony Babington was a former circuit judge. Whilst these esteemed critiques were authored into military history, they offer vital understandings and insights into the failures we are seeing in civilian life. Read more…

Documentary Analysis: Challenging Conceptions of Drug Use and Promoting Mental Health through Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

This is an introductory analysis which looks at the impact and themes explored in the documentary film ‘Psychedelics in Scotland’  which challenges conceptions around Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Cannabis as ‘agents of change’. The film presents a critical examination of our society, highlighting the systemic issues that manifest as spiritual and mental health challenges, particularly in drug-using communities. This summary aims to analyze the documentary’s key points it makes on the potential of psychedelic assisted therapy and the responsible use of cannabis as innovative approaches to addressing mental health concerns. Read more…

Creative Writing: A Route to Rehabilitation by Mark Humphries

When the author of this document was recalled to custody he realised that there was an untapped creativity among his peers. Men and women in prison with lots of time on their hands, and the age old prison issue of what to do when banged-up. He had always had an interest in writing stories and poetry and during his work as a peer-mentor at a local prison in Norfolk he started to pen his first novel. Read more…

A Discussion of Justice in Relation to Crime and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act

“Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought. A theory however elegant and economical must be rejected or revised if it is untrue; likewise laws and institutions no matter how efficient and well-arranged must be reformed or abolished if they are unjust. Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. Read more…