Curriculum and Technological Change: A Digest

Unquestionably there is much evidence to support the contention that the prime aim of modern curriculum changes is a better trained and more adaptable workforce, able to exploit the opportunities presented by new technologies. The institutional channels from which resources have flowed, and the accompanying rhetoric, frequently testify to concerns about the need for improved economic performance in a global struggle for survival. Read more…

Podcast: Keith Smyth talks about Digital Literacies

Keith Smyth, Senior Lecturer in Education at Napier University gave a presentation at the Adult Learning Project Annual General Meeting on how community education can use digital tools. Digital literacies are high on the priority list for educationalists, and it is key how they are employed in the community context. Where do the internet, computers, MOOCs, email, and any modern technology fit into learning today ? Well, these are some of the concepts which Keith talks about here.
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Education and the State: A Digest

By the middle of the nineteenth century, a broad consensus existed among governing and middle classes in Europe and America over the necessity of some form of education for the masses. Disagreements raged over precisely how this education should be administered. In many countries, debates over church involvement retarded the organisation of public education. In others, serious conflicts over the precise nature of educational organization – whether it should be centrally or locally controlled, for instance – had a similar effect. Read more…

Intercultural Education: A digest

Intercultural education is the name of a reforming tendency in educational practice, too broad and too diverse in aims to be called a movement, to respond to the cultural diversity produced by postwar immigration to Britain. It is part of a widespread international interest in the representation of ethnically diverse populations in education, but not all education responses to plurality are multicultural or intercultural.

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