Artist Development


To effectively help an artist on the road to realizing their work pragmatic and strategic goals must be worked towards. This involves some very simple elements.

Dead Stock

Artists have an incredible amount of dead stock which ‘produces nothing’ – work which has been produced but sits in the back of a drawer for various reasons. Ragged Music will actively encourage the exposure of these materials to the musical market so that their potential is valued. There is good reason to think that there is a lot of great music, already produced, which could be more widely available. Read more…

The Ethos Of Ragged Music

The core of the project is expressed within the Ethos. The philosophy of the Ragged project draws from old and new thinkers, directly and indirectly, and this is key to its success and longevity. These thinkers are being drawn together in supplements to inform the project. Read more…

Educational History: Socrates

“You, who are the father of letters have been led by your affection to ascribe to them a power the opposite of that which they really possess…. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding, and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant.” Socrates Read more…

26th July Cannabis and the Munchies by Mike McInnes

The Counting House

The Munchies: Humans are natural cannabis signallers (cannabinols) by Mike McInnes

Cannabis signalling regulates cerebral glucose metabolism.  Modern dietary culture drives up glucose (hyperglycaemia) and insulin (hyperinsulinism).  Each of these Twin Hypers act as independent cannabis signalling systems.  Central cannabis signalling inhibits glucose uptake into the brain, causing chronic cerebral hunger (The Munchies).
Modern dietary food culture contributes to chronic cerebral hunger via the Twin Hypers, and to increased cannabinoid signalling, resulting in loss of weight control and obesity. No person need ever to have consumed cannabis in any form, to act as a natural cannabis signaller, and to gain weight as a result.
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