26th April 2012: The Chemistry of Alcohol or How to Remember Not to Forget by Alex Dunedin
Name of speaker and subject:
Alex Dunedin
Title of talk:
The Chemistry of Alcohol – or How to Remember Not to Forget
Bullet points of what you would like to cover:
- Alcohol and what alcohols are
- Why we enjoy drinking
- Hypoglycaemia and diuretics as the effects of alcohol
- Why Memory deteriorates when we drink
- How to avoid memory loss and improve motor coordination
Suggested you-tube links, websites and / or texts where further information may be found:
- Alcohol Wikipedia
- Ethanol Wikipedia
- The Biochemistry of Ethanol Consumption
- Scientists Explain How Alcohol Causes Hypoglycemia
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
A few words about you and your passion:
Alcohol has been drunk for millenia. Animals seek out fermented fruit, we ferment our own. There is no doubt that alcohol is a great part of human history and society. It is a key part of many people’s lives, and a vital part of biology. It is a fascinating subject to explore in all it’s aspects particularly thinking about why do humans love it so much ?
A few lines about the history of your subject:
Over many years I have done library research in bio-medical sciences area. After work, as is the way, I often went to the pub with work mates where we carried on talking chemistry. Inevitably our attentions turned to what we were drinking. Over ten years we explored the effects, biology and chemistry of this mysterious play-juice. This is part of our findings in the immortal search for the hangover cure – How to remember not to forget.