The Marketisation of Higher Education

Since the late 1970s the culture of academic life has been transformed by the institutionalisation of the policies of marketisation. Outwardly, universities increasingly model themselves on private and especially public sector corporations. Academic exercises and practices have been gradually displaced by management techniques as departments operate more as cost centres often run by administers recruited from the private and public sector. Read more…

1935: Report of Address by Lord Lothian, Founder of Newbattle Abbey College

The value of adult education was emphasised by the Marquess of Lothian, C.H., in an address at the annual meeting of the Council of the Edinburgh University Settlement Association, held in Kirk O’Field College, Drummond Place, last night.

Professor D. P. D. Wilkie, M.D., Ch.M., Chairman of Council, who presided, referred to Lord Lothian’s generous gift of Newbattle Abbey to be a home for adult  education. They hoped they might be able to feed that home from Kirk o’ Field College and also from the Craigmillar College in Niddrie. Read more…

Podcast: The Ragged Schools of Angel Meadows by Simon Ward

This is a podcast of when Simon Ward gave a talk on the Ragged Schools of Angel Meadows and Manchester.  In the early 1800s, state contribution to education was less than the amount the government spent on the King’s stables. This talk will look at how The Ragged School movement led to the 1870 Education Act and state funding of universal education.
This is a podcast of Simon Ward talking at the Ragged University where he takes a closer look at two of Manchester’s Ragged Schools. Their fascinating history takes us from basket weaving, badminton and bombs to Suffragettes and Coronation Street. Read more…

4th Dec 2014: One Brain, Two Languages; Bringing Up a Bilingual Child by Madeleine Beveridge

Bilingualism Matters team
Bilingualism Matters team

Come along to The Counting House at 7pm to listen to Madeleine’s talk. Share a crust of bread, and hear the reflections she has to share…

Title of talk:

One brain, two languages: bringing up a bilingual child

Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

  • What worries do people have about bringing up a bilingual child?
  • What are these concerns based on?
  • What does research tell us about whether or not these concerns are justified?

Read more…

Podcast: Welcome To The Midlife Revolution by Andy Fergusson

Andy Fergusson did a talk on the Mid-life revolution, as he puts it – and suggests that this is a positive place to be in your life where you are in a great place to make a difference on a number of matters. Mid-life can be stressful at the best  of times as our family circumstances, jobs and careers and our health/fitness all seem to be changing at the same time. Stress has two major contributing factors: firstly when we find it difficult to predict what’s going to happen next and secondly when we have insufficient influence over what is going to happen to us. We all think about what we are or should be doing through out our lives but not since our teenage years do so many changes seem to happen all at once.
The good news is that by “flipping” how we look at things we can turn these challenges into the sort of excitement we haven’t experienced in a long time. There are plenty of individuals out there who are having The (mid-life) Time of Their Lives … They’re having fun, doing meaningful, rewarding work and they’re contributing to building a brighter future for future generations. The future isn’t any less bright it’s just going to be different to how we thought it was going to be. We’re going to look at how you can join in the fun, whatever age you are. Read more…

Recovery: A First Hand Perspective by Kerrie Walker

Broken bones, broken glass, broken home and broken promises, the unacceptable had now become the acceptable.  Physical and mental abuse, topped off with alcoholism, a progressive illness slowly stripped me of any worthwhile beliefs and the values I once possessed.
The consequences’ of my drinking rapidly became more serious, then began several attempts of getting sober.  Doctors, social workers and a CPN offered me medical treatment and support, I thought I was cured.  Ultimately over a period of nine years, my ability to sustain a lengthy period of abstinence became more of a struggle as my mental health deteriorated. Read more…

How To Do Ragged University Events by Carrie Newman

Previously Ragged University events were run in Glasgow by a team of dedicated people. The primary coordinator was Carrie Newman who was introduced to the project by business partner and friend David Hughes. They, along with David Newman and Heather Sinclair took to the idea like ducks to water using their knowledge of theatre and cultural events to produce several seasons of talks (approximately seventy five events) which gripped the local imaginations. Read more…