1936: Extract from Minutes of the Settlement’s Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Edinburgh University Settlement Association, held in Craigmillar College, Craigmillar, Edinburgh, on Friday, 28th February, 1936.
Table of Contents
In the Chair:
Sir David Wilkie, LL.D. , Ch.M.
Mr Cameron, Mr Chisholm, Councillor Darling, Professor Drever, Harriet, Lady Findlay, Mrs Graham, Mr Haldane, Mr Hardie, Canon Laurie, Miss Looker, MP Marshall, Miss Milnes, Sir Robert Philip and Miss Rackstraw.
The Minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 14th December, 1934, were taken as read.
Chairman’s Remarks:
Sir David Wilkie in his remarks, stressed the point of preventive medicine. He stated that in Craigmillar College there was included a medical dispensary and child welfare centre, which the Civic Authorities had assisted in financing, as well as facilities for educational and social activities.
The Chairman stated that the high-light of the work at Kirk o’ Field last year was the winning of a Scholarship at Oxford by one of the unemployed men who had been attending the Kirk o’ Field Classes. It gave an impetus and encouragement to both teachers and taught, and confirmed the Settlement in the view that the cultural side of adult education is indeed worth while.
Treasurer’s Report:
The Financial Statement was submitted by Mr F. W. Christie, C.A., Treasurer. He stated that the Association had managed to pay its way by being fortunate in receiving one or two Trust Grants during the financial year.
This is part of the Edinburgh Settlements digital archive collaboration with Ragged University: