28th May 2015: News from the littoral Zone By Julia Barton

Littoral Art

Come along to The Counting House at 7pm to hear about Julia’s work. Share a crust of bread, and hear the talk she has to share…


Title of talk:

News from the littoral Zone
Littoral: the zone between the low and the high tide marks

Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

  • Introduction – my present art practice within the littoral zones of our coast
  • An over view – provided in evidence bags from 18 beaches
  • 3 specific items: 1.lumps of melted plastic 2. Gun cartridges 3. Small particles of plastic
  • Using contemporary art to effect change


A few paragraphs on your subject:

Common litter items such as plastic bags, food packaging, fishing gear have all been the subject of waste-­reduction campaigns. The Scottish Wild Life Trust (SWT) report ­in 2011 found that a lack of improvement in levels of sea pollution threatened Scotland’s Zero Waste Plan.

On average, 46,000 pieces of plastic are swirling in each square mile of our oceans.

Every year, at least one million sea birds and 100,000 sharks, turtles, dolphins and whales die from eating plastic

The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) found that the largest percentage 39.9% of litter found on beaches in the UK in 2011 was in fact from the public: dropped or left by us on the coast or inland and carried by winds and river, 38.3% Items found were too small or damaged to identify or it’s wasn’t obvious where they came from. The next biggest source of litter 11.4% came from fishing related commercial and recreational items e.g. fishing line, nets, rope, weights and buoys

A few paragraphs about you:

I am passionate about making work that relates to my experience of a place. I often make installations, sculptures and prints sometimes this has a theatrical element while relating in some way to the natural environment.  I have made works in the UK and internationally in galleries, on the streets, in gardens, on a bridge even in a decommissioned jail. As an artist and educationalist I am convinced that Art can make a difference and effect change’
Two years ago I sat on a beach on the North West coast of Scotland and realised that I was sitting amongst a tidal mess of litter containing fish boxes, polypropylene rope, bottles & shoes on the strand line. Rolls of seaweed beneath my feet were heavily laced with tiny pieces of plastic and polystyrene and strands of plastic fibres. My rising fear of drowning in litter inspired me to imagine an investigative art/science project Littoral Art Project which I set up in 2013 with support from Creative Scotland and Crowd Funding.
I am now keen to share my beach litter findings recorded within 18 littoral zones in Ross-shire over the last year and a half and to show ways I want to use contemporary art to highlight ways we can change our behaviour to reduce this environmental degradation and loss of marine life

What free internet knowledge resources would you recommend to others if they wish to explore your chosen theme further?


What are your weblinks?

Website – http://www.julia-barton.co.uk
Blog – http://www.littoralartproject.com
Twitter – @LittoralArt
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/LittoralsciArtProject
Public Email – [email protected]
Any others…Crowd funding http://kck.st/1Fx9ret

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