Podcast: Joan Mowat Talks About Integrating Values in Education
This podcast is of the keynote address which Joan gave at the Values and Education conference at Moray House, Edinburgh on 20–21st November 2014. She explores where values sit in education and how values teaching can feature in the learning which goes on. Starting with a view of working from within silos, we can overcomplicate working together.

She explores the implications of taking values education into the classroom. Having spent a good stretch of her career teaching in impoverished areas, her views are grounded in a background of practice as well as the academic research side. Part of her research was to explore how children develop a moral compass.
Dr Joan Mowat is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Strathclyde. She started at the University in 2005 after twenty-eight years in the classroom, the last seven of which as Depute Head Teacher at Vale of Leven Academy in West Dunbartonshire. She holds the Scottish Qualification for Headship [SQH] and has successfully worked with four cohorts of SQH students. She is Course Leader for the Masters in Education.
Her PhD was on ‘Teaching for Understanding within the Affective Field’, and focuses upon the evaluation of a social constructivist approach to support children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Needs. This work was developed further through support from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to develop the approach in two Scottish Local Authorities – Falkirk and Aberdeenshire.
She is currently engaged in consultancy work with Aberdeenshire council to develop the approach across networks of Primary and Secondary schools. She is an executive member of the Scottish Educational Research Association and is currently engaged in writing Research Briefs for the recently formed Scottish College for Educational Leadership.
Following the talk which Joan gave, she took some questions and answers which you can listen to here: