Tila Morris Talks About The Radical Road And Values
This is a podcast of Tila Morris talking about values and character as part of a two day conference brought together by Gary Walsh (Character Scotland), Bec Sanderson (the Public Interest Research Centre), Rob Bowden (Lifeworlds Learning) and Abi Cornwall (Learning for Sustainability Scotland). It took place on 20–21st November 2014 at Edinburgh Moray House School of Education.

Day 2 was policy focused, and aimed to develop a consensus position on values in school education. The working ‘discensus’ was built on various discussions on what a values approach brings to education and what resources/sources of support already exist in this area (both North and South of the border). Here you can listen to Tila Morris giving a presentation on the Radical Road.
Tila works to bring a conscientious approach when connecting with individuals, organisations, communities, networks and partnerships. She holds an Masters in Business Management and Administration and a BA in Community Education. Tila has invested a lot of time in developing the ability to draw on theory whilst having a grasp of what really works at the grassroots.
Through her work she tries to enable people to understand the bigger picture so that informed choices can be made and high quality results produced. Tila’s specialisms include the Third Sector, Quality Management, Planning and Evaluation.