1905: Edinburgh University Settlement Association Constitution

1. The objects for which the Association is formed are to carry on social, educational, and religious work in Edinburgh; to inquire into the conditions of the poor; to promote, particularly among graduates and students of the University, the study of social problems, and, to consider and advance plans calculated to further the welfare of the community.
2. The Association shall be strictly undenominational.

Edinburgh Settlements on Leith Walk

3. All donations and subscriptions shall be applied by the Association to promote the objects for which it has been formed.
4. The qualification for membership of the Association shall be as follows –
(1) Donors of ten guineas and upwards shall be members for life.
(2) Subscribers of ten shillings and upwards shall be members for the year during which their subscriptions are paid.
(3) Matriculated students of the University who subscribe not less than half-a-crown a year shall be members for the year during which their subscriptions are paid.
(4) Regular workers in connection with the Settlement, who are duly returned as such by the warden, shall be members of the Association as long as they continue to work for it.
5. The affairs of the association shall be administered by a Council, consisting in addition to the office-bearers, of fifteen members of the Association of whom not less than three shall be matriculated students. Seven members present shall form a quorum at any meeting of Council. The members of the Council shall be chosen at the first meeting of members of the Association, and thereafter to the number of one-third at the Annual General Meeting. A third of the members of Council shall retire each year in a regular rotation, but shall be eligible for re-election. Vacancies arising from time to time shall be filled up by the Council.
6. The office-bearers of the Association shall be a Chairman of the Council, a Treasurer, and a Secretary, who shall be elected annually at the General Meeting, shall be eligible for re-election, and shall be ex-officio members of the Council.
7. The supervision and direction of the work of the Settlement shall be entrusted to a warden, who shall be appointed by the Council for such period as shall be from time to time determined, and may take part in the deliberations of the Council, but without a vote.
8. The Council shall have power to make bye-laws, to appoint committees (not necessarily from among it’s own members) for special purposes and to conduct all the financial business of the Association.
9. The Council shall have power to take the titles to any heritable property, belonging or which may belong to the Association in their own names as trustees for behoof of the Association, or to appoint special trustees for that purpose, if they should think fit; and, further, the Council shall have power to borrow money from time to time, as they deem necessary, upon the security of any heritable or other property of the Association, or to authorise any such special trustees so to borrow money, and the Council may, in that event, bind the Association to relieve such trustees of any obligations so undertaken by them, declaring that these powers shall subsist until recalled by the Association in General Meeting.
10. The Annual General Meeting of members of the Association shall be held in each year in October, or not later than the first week in November. Extraordinary General Meetings may be summoned at any other time at the discretion of the Council. All General Meetings shall be called by a circular sent by the Secretary to each member at least six days before the date of the meeting. The Chairman of the Council shall preside at the General Meetings, and in his absence, the meeting shall elect their own Chairman.
11. The Chairman shall be bound to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association at any time on receiving a written requisition signed by ten members, addressed to himself, and stating fully the purpose for which such meeting is to be called.
12. In addition to the regular office-bearers, the Annual General Meeting may appoint an Honorary President and Honorary Vice-President.
13. True accounts shall be kept of all monies received and expended by the Association and of the properties and liabilities of the Association. Once, at least, in every year, the accounts of the Association shall be examined and reported upon by one or more properly qualified auditors, to be appointed annually by the Association at the Annual General Meeting.
14. The financial year of the Association shall be from the first of October to the thirtieth September following.
15. This Constitution shall only be capable of alteration at a General Meeting of the Association, due notice of any proposed alteration having been given to all members by the letter or circular calling the meeting, and such alteration shall require a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at such meeting.

Edinburgh Settlement Constitution
Edinburgh Settlement Constitution


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