14th Sept 2017: From the Problems of Our Nature, to The Nature of our Problems by Rowland Urey

Come along to The Castle Hotel (66 Oldham St, Manchester M4 1LE) from 7pm. Come along for a bite of food, a chance to socialise and a discuss what mental health means…


Title of talk:

From the Problems of Our Nature, to The Nature of our Problems

Soteria network

Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

  • Life from a Cultural view and Philosophy as Life
  • Human Rights and their Relation to Dignity
  • What Recovery Means and Values Associated with Recovery


A few paragraphs on your subject:

Rowland has been very involved in challenging the modern discourse of mental health being a medicalisation of the human being in their natural behaviours and emotional states.  Commonly the material pharmaceutical perspectives dominate how people are treated in terms of their wellbeing, and the world of psychiatry has come to overshadow many people struggling in their own existence to live as a normal person trying to survive in a mad world.
Having been involved greatly in championing a re-reading of the evidence bases for views and approaches, in particular for what gets treated as Obsessional Compulsive Disorder, I want to put forward that there is something fundamental missing from how we are understanding people caught up with these clinical terms and labels.
I argue that there as emerged in the last few years that there is absolutely no evidence base in Mental Health Universally for The Brain Disease, Medical Model which underpins psychiatric interventions and practice. And I will be presenting an Evidence Base Alternative based on Emotional and Social Trauma.

A few paragraphs about you:

I am a person with Lived Experience of Mental Distress as well as a Chair of CLEO. CLEO is an Independent User led User run group with a voice for the Views of people with Lived Experiences of Mental Distress, brought about by Emotional and Social Trauma. We are a collective who are actively working to promote Recovery Thriving and Wellness, Delivering Advocacy and Peer Support.
I am a NIMHE “Making A Difference in Mental Health” National Award Winner and also a SOTERIA Trustee. Soteria is a network of people in the UK promoting the development of drug free and minimum medication, therapeutic support for people experiencing’ psychosis’.  It is part of an international movement of service users, activists, carers and professionals fighting for more humane, non-coercive mental health service.

What free internet knowledge resources would you recommend to others if they wish to explore your chosen theme further?

Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill is a 2002 book by medical journalist Robert Whitaker, this is the website which extends from the book:


NSUN: NSUN network for mental health is an independent, service-user-led charity that connects people with experience of mental health issues to give us a stronger voice in shaping policy and services.


Soteria Network : We are a network of people in the UK promoting the development of drug-free and minimum medication therapeutic environments for people experiencing ‘psychosis’ or extreme states. We are part of an international movement of service users, survivors, activists, carers and professionals fighting for more humane, non-coercive mental health services.People who hear voices, have visions or experience reality in different ways to those around them — and become overwhelmed by their experiences — are often referred to as experiencing ‘psychosis’. We believe that people can and do recover from difficulties which tend to be categorised under the term psychosis. This recovery can be with, without and sometimes despite psychiatric intervention.



What are your weblinks?

Website – LINKED IN: uk.linkedin.com/in/rowland-urey-6a203020