Teachers in Bangladesh; Ways of Seeing and Expressing Reality by Taslima Ivy

The URL for the golpo video was on the last slide (Surjo and Palit). Of particular relevance for golpo is chapter 10: glamour in this video (32:20 mins to 34:10 mins)





Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

  • Ways of how we perceive and express experiences varies across people and cultures
  • This has methodological and ethical implications for how we conduct research about the social world
  • Awareness of our ‘gaze’ has implications not only for research but also for realizing a world based on mutual understanding and respect


A few paragraphs on your subject:

In this presentation I hope to share my story of researching ICT integration in education with rural female teachers from an island in Bangladesh. I will particularly focus on how I attempted to tap into teachers’ own ways of seeing, feeling and expressing life.


Firstly, I will talk about how I used multimodal artefact production- a method through which teachers have shared significant day to day experiences with me, through a mode and genre of their choice-sometimes they chose images, sometimes video clips, audio clips while sometimes poems and journal entries.


Then I will talk about the distinct Bengali genre of ‘golpo/ adda’ (informal chatting) which I used in my research as an attempt to enable my participants’ experiences to emerge through their own discursive style. I will conclude by sharing how these two processes made me aware of my own ‘gaze’ and maybe helped me understand my participants from the position of a female-the position of a teacher- rather than the power position of a researcher.

A few paragraphs about you:

I am PhD student at Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester. I am particularly interested in the use of ICTs in education in developing countries. I had previously completed my MA in Educational Technology and TESOL from the University of Manchester, which is where my interest in this area took shape.


My thesis aims to explore primary school teachers’ lived experiences of using multimedia for teaching in a remote island Hatiya, Bangladesh, to understand how the meaning of ICTs are shaped by social, cultural, political forces in context. The research is based on case studies of motivated teachers who have opted to use technology as a result of the Government’s aim to ‘digitalize’ and transform education through establishing multimedia classrooms across the country. I am also exploring how this political language of the ‘digital’ is becoming a socio-cultural language of resistance. Prior to my PhD studies, I had been working in Bangladesh as a lecturer at the department of English, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.


What are your weblinks?

Twitter – @TaslimaIrineIvy
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/taslima.ivy
Public Email – [email protected]

This talk took place on 14th November 2018 at The Castle Hotel (66 Oldham St, Manchester M4 1LE)