Action Research: The History of Action Research

This is the next part of my action research project which I have been using as a meaning making process in my own life as I have been struggling with trying to negotiate how my life is mediated through the worlds of policy, bureaucracy and distant finance. 

Education as Human Development

This expresses the philosophy of education underpinning the values of Ragged University. This thesis is an expanded version of a presentation originally given at the British Educational Research Association conference held in Liverpool John Moores University 8th November 2018 which spoke to the of ‘Transitions: Challenges, Threats & Opportunities across the Post-compulsory Sectors’.  Its original title […] Read more...

Action Research: Outputs, Outcomes and the Political Setting

What follows is the section of my action research project analysing the metrics and bureaucracies inserted into the support-need junctures which influence and determine the support which people receive from various organisations and support services.

Action Research: The Outcomes Star and Developing Novel Methodologies

What follows is the start of my action research project deconstructing of the Outcomes Star, a metric bureaucracy instated in various support-need junctures which the person receiving support has to fill in and go over with the person who is giving the support. This is one of various types of bureaucracy which people have to […] Read more...