Podcast: Basic Computer Programming With No Code by Dr Tim Willis

This is a podcast of when Dr Tim Willis gave a talk on the Basics of Computer Programming Without The code.

He taught himself Sinclair Basic as a 13-year-old, as the only way to play games back then was to laboriously type them into a computer from magazines. He used to have to start all over again as soon as he switched the computer off, until many years later he got a tape recorder. He learned how the code worked by experimenting with changing things. Read more…

6th June 2013: Basics of Computer Programming but No Actual Code! by Dr Tim Willis

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On Thursday June 6th from 7 to 10pm in The Counting House in Edinburgh, please join us for an evening with Ray Miller and Tim Willis who will be telling us about the basics of programming…

Name of speaker and subject:

Dr Tim Willis, Flexpansion Ltd.
Basics of Computer Programming – No Actual Code!


What goes on in a computer? How does it actually do anything? Recently it’s been noted that while most of us know how to use programs, many of us have no idea how they work. Tim will be talking about the absolute basics of computer programming, without any actual code (using plain English descriptions instead). Tim first taught himself 30 years ago on a ZX81; the fundamentals haven’t really changed and he will explain:
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