Podcast: David Greig Talks About W S Graham And His Poetry

WS Graham was a self taught poet from Greenock who left Scotland in his twenties to live in Cornwall where he spent the rest of his life.

“I became passionate to discover more about him and why he had been neglected both in his lifetime and to a degree still now. The neglect of his work is particularly painful in Scotland where Hugh Macdiarmid’s school of politics and scots language work sidelined Graham.” Here David Greig talks about this great poet and how he has influenced his work over time…. Read more…

Podcast: The Social Psychology of Relationships by Professor Ray Miller

This is a podcast of Professor Ray Miller talking about the social psychology of relationships.  This is the fifth in a series of talks given by Ray at the Ragged University events.

When people talk about relationships, they are often thinking about those interpersonal interactions that characterise our experiences of love and emotion. Relationships are the stuff of fascination, whether it is the search for the perfect partner, the compatibility of personality or horoscope profiles or the headlines about the latest Hollywood make or break-up. But relationships are far more than that: Read more…

Podcast: Basic Computer Programming With No Code by Dr Tim Willis

This is a podcast of when Dr Tim Willis gave a talk on the Basics of Computer Programming Without The code.

He taught himself Sinclair Basic as a 13-year-old, as the only way to play games back then was to laboriously type them into a computer from magazines. He used to have to start all over again as soon as he switched the computer off, until many years later he got a tape recorder. He learned how the code worked by experimenting with changing things. Read more…

Podcast: We Don’t Need No Educashun; The Brain As A Learning Machine by Prof Ray Miller

On Thursday June 6th Prof Ray Miller gave the talk ‘We Don’t Need No Educashun; The Brain As A Learning Machine’. This is the audio recording of the talk he gave…

In Psychological terms, Learning is: A process by which behaviors, skills and capabilities are acquired and/or modified though experience. Although it is related to concepts like Education, Schooling, Training and Life Experience, it actually begins even before birth and continues until the day we die. Read more…