White Boy Dangerous: The Mythology That Surrounds White Male Violence by Sonia Soans

A few weeks ago I was at the cinema to watch the new Mad Max film with friends. It has been called the new feminist film and of course lots of men were upset with this emasculation of a pop culture icon. Before the film began there were several trailers of forthcoming films. What struck me about all the films was how almost all the trailers were about white men caught in violent situations and saving the world. Read more…

Popular Culture and Music by Dan Zambas

The word ‘culture’ holds a variety of meanings within the English language. Depending on its context, the word can be applied to the arts, fashion, sociological studies and nationalism. This makes the interpretation of Popular Culture an abstract term that cannot be defined easily.
For the purposes of this supplement the context in which popular culture will be used will be in a sociological format. Read more…