7th July 2011: My Fascination with Chords by Dan Zambas

On Thursday 7th July 2011 from 7.30pm Dan Zambas gave his talk on music and chords in KRO Piccadilly
Table of Contents
Name of speaker and subject:
Daniel Zambas – Music
Title of talk:
My Fascination with Chords
Bullet points of what you would like to cover:
- Introduction into the basics of chords
- Relationships between different chords
- Challenging harmonies
- Chord Progressions
Suggested you-tube links, websites and / or texts where further information may be found:
- Wikipedia: Chords
- Roots Guitars Tips
- Wikipedia: Consonance and dissonance
- ‘The Music Instinct’ Philip Ball – Ball, P. (2010) The Music Instinct, London, The Bodley Head
A few words about you and your passion:
With being a musician for ten years and after ï¬nding the music that really speaks to me, it has become obvious that my love for music is deeply routed within chord progressions.
This talk aims to share some insight into how chords are created and practically explain their use with an instrument.
Anything else you may want to say:
I personally believe that everyone has a musical capacity and that the gap between the audience and the musician is much smaller than most people think.