5th Sept 2013: The Power of the Elder by Eli Anderson

Eli Anderson

Come along to The Counting House at 7pm for a talk by Eli Anderson. Enjoy meeting someone new and sharing a crust of bread

Name of speaker and subject:

Eli Anderson & Eldership

Title of talk:

The Power of the Elder
Part 1:Introductory presentation

Bullet points of what you would like to cover:

  • Who are Elders?
  • Why are Elders essential to our community?
  • What prevents us from becoming Elders exploring our Eldership?

Suggested you-tube links, websites and / or texts where further information may be found:


A few words about you and your passion:

“Stories are our global heritage, through which cultural and social capital are given life.”
Eli Anderson

I have been writing for over thirty years, and in that time I have developed my craft as a Storyteller, Poet and Narrative Coach. I have taught, created & delivered a variety of workshops in relation to Storytelling, use mindfulness techniques, mentoring & performance art, musicianship, intergenerational work and general presentation.
I am also a visiting lecturer and have been asked to present on subjects concerned primarily with Eldership, Health care, Storytelling and Community Education. In my work as a Narrative Coach, I use story to help clients support and feel good about themselves. I am a Board member for the national mental health charity, Nafsiyat, and occupy the role of an appointed Magistrate.

A few lines about the history of your subject:

Eldership is a lifelong experience. Such an experience exposes the individual to civilisations and cultural history. It prepares those individuals in the manner in they should live, and interact with their society and those of others. Eldership is critical to the “passing on” of social and cultural capital, and maintaining communities and family structures.

Anything else you may want to say:

This is the first part of a longer lecture of 90 minutes.