The Spirit Level: Why Equality Is Better For Everyone was suggested by Dr Gillean McCluskey

As part of the Ragged Library, Dr Gillean McCluskey, the head of Moray House’s Institute for Education, Community and Society at University of Edinburgh suggested ‘The Spirit Level: Why Equality Is Better For Everyone, (2010) R Wilkinson, and K Pickett, published by Penguin’…


I love this book and hope others find it as good.  One of the main things that we often debate in the field of education is the tension between the twin aims of ‘achieving inclusion’ and ‘improving academic attainment’. People will often say that you can support one or other but not both. Wilkinson and Pickett tackle this issue head on and their findings suggest that ‘the truth may be almost the opposite of this’ (p108). Their research is international in scope and meticulous in detail and it offers a huge support to those of us who work in this area.