The Importance of Biodiversity and the role of Biodiversity Partnerships by Dennis Dick

Biodiversity is very dry word and can be quite intimidating to many people. The outgoing Chairman of Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Government agency responsible for the environment, reputedly claimed it was not a word in his lexicon…Yet primary school children seemed able to get a good grasp of what it means. It is a vitally important topic and it is essential that people understand why. There can be no economy, no social fabric, indeed no life for humans at all without it.
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Additives and the Diet

This is a brief introduction to understanding what additives are found in the modern industrialised diet and has been set out to demonstrate some of the effects that additives have on health and behaviour. Everything presented here is direct excerpt from a famous and respected book called E for Additives.  I have tried to include passages from the book which are most demonstrative of the importance of being aware of what we eat. Read more…

Priorities in Post School Education: Who Benefits and Who Pays?

What are the benefits of Post School Education ? Education is recognised to be an investment in human capital that generates benefits both for the individual – in the form of better employment prospects and higher lifetime earnings – and for society at large by increasing the skills and productivity of the labour force. This raises issues both of efficiency and equity. Since education benefits society as a whole, then some form of public subsidy is justified on efficiency grounds, to prevent under investment and provide the skilled manpower necessary for economic growth and prosperity.
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Education Beyond School: A Digest

Learning happens throughout life as a life long process and education beyond school is formed of many formal structures and pathways. Participation by young adults (aged about 18-21) in higher education has significantly increased in the last twenty years (first published 1989) and the growth has been particularly marked in the non-university sector of polytechnics and colleges. Read more…

6th Feb 2014: A History of Manchester as Seen in its Historic Buildings by Ken Moth


Manchester cathedral

Come along to the Castle Hotel on the 6th of February at 7pm for a bite to eat and listen to Ken share some of the history of the Great City of Manchester…


Title of talk:

A history of Manchester as seen in its historic buildings


Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

Surviving historic building types, styles and materials can tell us much about the history of a place.

Manchester is a special place with a special story to tell.

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13th March 2014: The Science of Food Additives and Behaviour by Alex Dunedin

food additives

Come along to The Counting House at 7pm for a talk by Alex. Share a crust of bread, and hear about food additives…


Title of talk:

The Science of Food Additives and Behaviour


Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:

  • What are food additives
  • Why are they called E numbers
  • Food additives banned by one or more countries
  • E is for ascorbic acid
  • Do azo dyes mimic adrenaline ?
  • Government research and food labelling
  • Reputable sources of knowledge

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