A Different Kind Of Revolution by Ciaran Healy

The third part of three philosophy talks, Ciaran is carrying on with the following themes: The shattering of globalised revolutionary impulse, and the long death of ideology-based unity; The problem with capitalism, communism and every shade inbetween; The competition to believe more extremely undermines all movements; A great and secret movement, the largest in history.

Ciaran Healy

A different kind of movement, bound together by a new humanity, not by ideology; Sanity, not extremism, as it’s ideological characteristic; It is not about utopia, but reducing fragility, inequality and ruin, while developing a new way to express humanity freely and without censorship or limit, and let the politics fall where they may.

Ciaran is a philosopher with a vision for a new enlightenment, for developing new language and surity in the way we think because there is a lot at stake.  Listen to him share this vision in the Ragged University.

