4th July 2016: Loving Yourself Inside & Out by Faith Canter
Come along to People Know How in Ocean Terminal to listen to what Faith wants to share
Table of Contents
Title of talk:
Loving yourself Inside & Out
Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:
- How I have found that when we start to love what makes us, us and the lives we have, this can have a huge positive impact on many mental and physical health concerns.
- How making positive changes to our lifestyle isn’t about willpower, but about realizing we are worthy of these changes. And addressing why we don’t feel worthy harnesses our ability to not only make positive change in our lives but also to keep to new healthy habits.
- How to love even the parts of us we feel are unlovable.
- How to value ourselves and see how important we are in the World.
- How to create more love instead of fear.
- How to create small changes that have a large impact on how we feel about ourselves and our lives.
- How to love the body we are in!
A few paragraphs on your subject:
If you’re tired of judging yourself, putting yourself down, dishonouring your body, disrespecting your history and disliking who you are and the life you lead, then you are in the right place.
Through my work with my clients, I have found that behind many health conditions is a lack of self-love. And when we address this lack and embrace the beauty of who we truly are we go through some truly profound healing, both mentally and physically. I have seen energy and vitality substantially increase, relationships improve, pain slip away, disease in the body leave, passion and purpose shine through, finances flourish and not only how we feel about our bodies dramatically improve but even changes in the way our body looks and feels follow suit, just from addressing our love of our self.
Using my own journey from self-loather to self-lover and that of the beautiful people I work with I have put together this talk, where you’ll learn some simple yet profound ways of ‘being’ and ‘living’, so that you stop fighting yourself and your life!
A few paragraphs about you:
I’m Faith, an author, health and wellbeing coach, therapist, nutritional consultant, raw food and fermenting expert, environmentalist, traveller and all round lover of life.
Things weren’t always this way though, with my history of child abuse, drug use, mental and physical health issues resulting in cutting myself, eating disorders and suicidal thoughts. I can now see that I was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. I suffered for many years from insomnia, IBS, food intolerances, headaches, fatigue and depression. Eventually after catching a very bad stomach bug in India that lasted for months, I contracted glandular fever. This turned into ME/CFS and I became very unwell, very quickly, spending most of my time in bed. I now understand that I had been wandering around with adrenal fatigue for many years prior to getting ME/CFS and this was why I had nothing left to fight with.
Today, I have not only recovered from ME/CFS, but from all my previous ailments as well. I feel more alive, well and happy than I ever thought possible. Most people would not agree with, or believe me but I am grateful for ME/CFS and what it taught me. It literally gave me my life back!
I recovered by learning how to really love myself inside and out and I did this through detoxing my thought patterns, my relationships, by body, home and life.
What free internet knowledge resources would you recommend to others if they wish to explore your chosen theme further?
My Blog: http://faithcanter.com/blog/
My free ebooks: http://faithcanter.com/freebies/
My YouTube Channel:
My Free Self-love Summit:
What are your weblinks?
Website – www.faithcanter.com
Blog – http://faithcanter.com/blog/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/FaithCanter
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/FaithMCanter/
Public Email – [email protected]
Any others….
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faithcanter/?hl=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCocICuTkeW_JaVQpVNbqb_g