4th July 2016: Loving Yourself Inside & Out by Faith Canter
Come along to People Know How in Ocean Terminal to listen to what Faith wants to share
Title of talk:
Loving yourself Inside & Out
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Come along to People Know How in Ocean Terminal to listen to what Faith wants to share
Loving yourself Inside & Out
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Come along to People Know How in Ocean Terminal to listen to Simon tell us about his epic journey
International Carbon Conscious Bicycle Powered Pedalling Adventures – part 2!
Firstly I want to say thank you – I have had the incredibly fortunate pleasure of watching Ragged grow from the very start. Its simple philosophy really struck a chord with me, something so obvious but equally necessary – “What do you love? What do you want to know? What do you want to be?” and most importantly “Did you know this existed?”. These are the questions that we do not ask our children in our current education system, and this ideal has been born out of the very absence of this question. For that, Alex, thank you. Read more…
If you’re tired of judging yourself, putting yourself down, dishonouring your body, disrespecting your history and disliking who you are and the life you lead, then you are in the right place!
Through my work with my clients, I have found that behind many health conditions is a lack of self-love. And when we address this lack and embrace the beauty of who we truly are we go through some truly profound healing, both mentally and physically. I have seen energy and vitality substantially increase, relationships improve, pain slip away, disease in the body leave, passion and purpose shine through, finances flourish and not only how we feel about our bodies dramatically improve but even changes in the way our body looks and feels follow suit, just from addressing our love of our self. Read more…
Come along from 6-8pm and take part in the evening at the Talbot Rice Gallery, where James will be guiding the event where lots of people will share their thoughts on who has influenced them…
Face Value
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At the University of Manchester a community of practice has been set up embedding sustainability across the curriculum and in teaching. This is a recording of some of the presentations which were given. As the realisation sets in across the globe that we can no longer afford to be wasteful in the way we live, the question is recurring as to what ways of life we transition to and how. Read more…
This is a short film made around the Mad World Exhibition, a part of the Ragged University project which brought together lots of artwork in a space exploring and challenging narratives of madness. Mad World is a publicly owned collection of perspectives which challenge and move forward discussions surrounding mental health. The Mad World exhibition took place in Gallery One of Edinburgh Palette, St Margarets House. Read more…