Call For People Who Know About Depression: Tortoise In A Shell
We are looking for people to help us create the show we are looking to connect with experts, people who have lived with depression and people who might have supported another person who is living with depression. We would like to share the piece with a small group throughout the process – helping to shape the story and the show to ensure it remains truthful to people’s experience of depression and resonates with people who may be experiencing similar situations.
This group would be invited to attend some sharings of the work and feedback to the creative team what they thought worked and what didn’t, helping to shape the show. There would be 3 sessions throughout the entire process for sharing the work and feeding back. all participants would be invited to attend the UK premier in February 2017.

Who we are:
Tortoise in a Nutshell is a visual theatre company based in Edinburgh. We aim to ignite the imaginations of our audiences. We make work that tours all over the world using puppetry, immersive set designs and innovative ways of telling a story. Most of our work uses little or no language and tries to find different ways to convey complex emotions and atmospheres beyond words. We try and make our work as accessible and as exciting as possible.

The project:
Amidst a vast, cascading expanse of ocean, a tiny boat is tossed through rolling waves and thundering storms, a speck amidst the immense turbulent seas. Steadily rowing forward into the nothingness is a fisherman, driven by despair, sailing to nowhere with all his worldly possessions. He looks out as the darkness looms and prepares himself to leap…
But before he can jump out, something else jumps in; a mass of colour thrashing about the tiny boat. This uninvited guest has finally broken through the surface to discover what lies above. Fisk is a story of a man and a fish, and the unexpected impact they have upon one another.
Weaving together a rich tapestry of puppetry, movement and intricate design, alongside an evocative original soundtrack, the piece draws audiences into an immersive marine world. Examining themes of depression, dependence and desolation, Fisk is an exploration of the lengths we can go to in order to escape from ourselves, yet also finds joy in even the deepest and darkest of depths.
Fisk is a brand new international co-production between Teater Katapult and Scottish award-winning theatre company, Tortoise in a Nutshell. The story of a fisherman and a fish is parralelled with a story of a young couple who are dealing with the effects of depression on their relationship.