Poppies for Peace, Films for Freedom! by Simon Byrom
Title of talk:
Poppies for Peace, Films for Freedom! by Simon Byrom
Bullet points of what you would like to talk about:
- The Red Poppy is a widely recognised symbol associated with the Armed Forces, honouring the sacrifice of soldiers on Remembrance Day.
- The White Poppy, though less well known, seeks to compliment the Red Poppy as a symbol of Peace, honouring the tragic sacrifice of all life lost in war.
- This is part of a twinned event where the full documentary has been screened on the 12th of November, Remembrance Day.
A few paragraphs on your subject:
This powerful, thought provoking film is a tribute to: Harry Patch (1898 2009: last surviving soldier of WW1) and Tony Benn (1925 2014: the great politician of Peace). The documentary film was created by Simon with the purpose of reflecting on the current state of the World 100 years since “The War To End All Wars” the film asks the question: “Has their sacrifice been betrayed by our failure to end war?”. This thought provoking film reflects on the 100th anniversary of The War To End All Wars.
A few paragraphs about you:
Combining the joy of creativity and the meaning and worth of civic engagement to imagine a world beyond the dissonance of life as we know it today, with all its unnecessary pain and suffering, war and poverty, societal breakdown and ecological genocide…
Mother Nature has given Us more than enough to satisfy a dignified existence for all.
Another World IS Possible
What free internet knowledge resources would you recommend to others if they wish to explore your chosen theme further?
Kdenlive open source video editing software!
What are your weblinks?
Website – a baked bean tin with a piece of string!
Public Email – [email protected]
This event was held at Cabaret Voltaire (36-38 Blair St, Edinburgh, EH1 1QR) on 30th Nov 2017