Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience

This continues the presentation given by John Morrison exploring ‘Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience’. The first part contained an introduction to some of the themes and ideas which John explores and follows how he has laid out his PhD focusing on the participatory approach of Jean Rouch in Shared Anthropology.
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Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology by John Morrison

This article is the first part of ‘Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience by John Morrison. It includes an introduction, an audio recording and a transcript of John Morrison talking through methodologies of participation he is bringing together in his PhD which involve shared anthropology and ethnofiction.  In particular he is interested to explore how these methodologies and techniques might be helpful in creating participatory circumstances for people with care experience to formulate the policy which informs what is being discussed as ‘corporate parenting’. Read more…

22nd June 2017: Improvised Fiction meets research: Creative and pioneering ethnographic filmmaker Jean Rouch’s lasting legacy by John Morrison

Come along to Cabaret Voltaire (36-38 Blair St, Edinburgh, EH1 1QR), doors open at 6.30pm and the talks start from 7pm. Come along for a bite of food, a chance to socialise and a talk about Jean Rouch’s film legacy…


Title of talk:

Improvised Fiction meets research: Creative and pioneering ethnographic filmmaker Jean Rouch’s lasting legacy
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Collider Lesson; How Would You Build Guerilla Education ?

This is an audio recording of John Morrison’s Collider Lesson Plan; How Would You Build Guerilla Education ? Provocation.  It was a session put on by John Morrison a practitioner and researcher working in the Digital Media and Interaction Design group in the School of Computing at Edinburgh Napier University.  It has been fascinating getting the opportunity to work alongside John as he plans his lessons and curriculum for his students. Read more…

Presentation on the Free Education Network for John Morrison

As part of a pop up lesson by John Morrison who works from Napier University, here Alex Dunedin talks about the construction of the Free Education Network website as a way into examining the resources available for learning in the landscape. This presentation was a part of John Morrison’s pop up lesson at Summerhall in Edinburgh where he is trying to prompt his students to take on a challenge suggested by and linked to the community. Read more…

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things was recommended by John Morrison

As part of the Ragged Library, John Morrison, Lecturer in Digital Media and Interactive Design at Edinburgh Napier University recommended ′Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things by Michael Braungart and William McDonough…

This is in my top 5 favourite books! I came across it while studying product design in Glasgow. The book is jointly authored by an architect and a chemist. However is very accessible, a kind of manifesto for a radically different philosophy, I found reading it revolutionised my thinking in many areas. The authors proffers a paradigm shift from what we take for granted in our every day lives, suggesting the next major revolution should be a green one.
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Interview With An Educator: John Morrison

This is an interview with John Morrison who works at Edinburgh Napier University teaching Digital Media and Interactive Design.

His interests include, technology enhanced learning, digital literacy and visual communication driven documentary. John talks about his experiences of education and dyslexia, how he came to be in education, about what makes him light up about teaching and also some of the things which he encounters in his role as a teacher and educator. The interview took place in George Square gardens next to a willow tree in June 2014… Read more…