18th July 2018: An Evening In Dialogue with Prof Antonia Darder Exploring Critical Pedagogy

Come along to St John’s Church Community Hall (Princes St, Edinburgh EH2 4BJ), doors open at 6pm and the event starts from 6.30pm. Come along for a bite of food, and chance to listen to and discuss critical education with Antonia …

All are warmly invited to an evening in dialogue with Antonia Darder and other fellow critical educators exploring the relevance of Pedagogy of the Oppressed – Paulo Freire’s famous book – today and how we can draw greater value from this important text. This event is free and will offer a space to engage our hearts and minds around the opportunities and challenges for critical pedagogy today as well as hearing about Antonia Darder’s new Student Guide to Pedagogy of the Oppressed.  Visiting from America, this is a unique and valuable opportunity to connect with Antonia’s thinking… Read more…

Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience

This continues the presentation given by John Morrison exploring ‘Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience’. The first part contained an introduction to some of the themes and ideas which John explores and follows how he has laid out his PhD focusing on the participatory approach of Jean Rouch in Shared Anthropology.
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Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology by John Morrison

This article is the first part of ‘Methodologies of Participation: Shared Anthropology, Corporate Parenting and Care Experience by John Morrison. It includes an introduction, an audio recording and a transcript of John Morrison talking through methodologies of participation he is bringing together in his PhD which involve shared anthropology and ethnofiction.  In particular he is interested to explore how these methodologies and techniques might be helpful in creating participatory circumstances for people with care experience to formulate the policy which informs what is being discussed as ‘corporate parenting’. Read more…

Trouble In Paradise: Happy Birthday Edinburgh Cyrenians 50 Year Celebration

I have written this to commemorate the 50th anniversary celebrations of Edinburgh Cyrenians, an organisation which in my opinion is the gold standard of how human beings in need should get the support they require in a society which, despite having so many great successes, fails in horrifically modern and technocratic ways.  It is not easy to bring the support to vulnerable people and things are particularly challenging when individuals have multiple needs. Read more…

Natural Processes Replaced by Hasty Remedies by Leon Paterson

In this short essay we will explore how our natural responses to managing our problems are being avoided and overruled. Instead replaced by quick fix answers that avoid any kind of useful managing of feelings. Through a number of examples I will demonstrate the potential risks of solution based approaches. And how we can never come up with a satisfactory solution without fully understanding the problem. Read more…