The Cooperative Development of Julian Edge: A Digest, Notes and Reflections by Alex Dunedin
Finding effective ways to communicate and work with each other is a perennial task. It is not something which can be found in a one stop shop, or some hothouse leadership programme, or a bunch of invigorating lectures designed to make you inspire others – it comes from the lifelong task of diligently learning and developing as we encounter new ways of being over our whole lives.
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Interview With An Educator: Julian Edge
This is an interview with Julian Edge, which took place in Manchester Central Library in July 2015. Julian Edge has a long and rich career in teaching, and has later moved into counseling, he talks about how he came to education as well as the ways he sees us learning. In the interview he takes us through the history of how he got into teaching, and where across the world he has taught; all time being drawn back in to learning as he meets a new set of problems. Read more…
15th Oct 2015: The Arrogance and the Empathy; An Everyday Introduction to Non-Judgmental Language by Julian Edge

Come along to The Castle Hotel at 7pm to listen to Julian’s talk. Put your feet up and learn what he has to share…
Name of speaker:
Julian Edge
Title of talk:
The Arrogance and the Empathy
(An everyday introduction to non-judgmental language)
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