Interview With An Educator: Julian Edge
This is an interview with Julian Edge, which took place in Manchester Central Library in July 2015. Julian Edge has a long and rich career in teaching, and has later moved into counseling, he talks about how he came to education as well as the ways he sees us learning. In the interview he takes us through the history of how he got into teaching, and where across the world he has taught; all time being drawn back in to learning as he meets a new set of problems.

He describes some of the principles of Carl Rogers’ work and how they are important in creating the conditions for growing. These premises are useful in understanding the interrelationships which go on in the teaching/learning process.
Sharing his personal views on various moments such as the times of Paris 1968 and how education has changed over the many years he has been a part of it, the interview reveals reflections of what he calls the battle of the long defeat.
Making the interview was a pleasant opportunity to talk with him and be drawn towards axioms and thinking which are helpful in understanding the personal relationships which constitute learning and teaching. Widely published, you can find various of his books available to buy online or at a local independent bookshop, and also a collection of his papers below on this article.
Edge, J. 2011. The Reflexive Teacher Educator: Roots and Wings. New York: Routledge.
Edge, J. & Garton, S. 2009. From Experience to Knowledge in ELT. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Edge, J. (ed.) 2006. (Re-)Locating TESOL in an Age of Empire. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Edge, J. 2002. Continuing Cooperative Development: A Discourse Framework for Individuals as Colleagues. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
Edge, J. (ed.) 2001. Case Studies in Action Research. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Inc.
Edge, J. & Richards, K. (eds.) (1993) Teachers Develop Teachers Research. Oxford: Heinemann.